It was an accident... wasn't it?

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Finn's house

"Stephen?" He whispered his step dad's name as he carefully pushed the door open to the study. Nobody was there. Perfect. Finn smiled to himself, before heading over to the drawer where he knew the notes occasionally jotted down on the cases that his step dad had worked on for the police force. It was locked of course, but there was usually a key hidden behind the bookcase. The blonde haired boy peered behind the wooden furniture and reached in for the small metal key. It turned easily in the lock, and the drawer opened, revealing stacks of paper carefully placed in alphabetical order. The full case files were likely to be kept in the station, or in a more secure location, but Finn hoped that he could obtain enough information to have a rough idea of what happened the day Lucie left to 'spend the holidays with her aunt and uncle'. Which would have convinced him, apart from the fact that he had called his Aunt and she had confirmed that Lucie was not there. He flipped to the 'M' section.

Miriam Andrews

Bingo! He thought as he pulled the small file from the cabinet. Most of it was in Stephen's messy scrawl, but there was a small cutting of a newspaper paper-clipped to another sheet of paper.

Miriam Andrews, aged 12, was hit by a bus in a freak accident outside her school gates. It was thought that she was pushed by a fellow pupil, but the bus driver claims that she stepped into the road without any sign of warning.

Finn frowned and shook his head. An accident. They sent Lucie away because of an accident. Satisfied, he returned the file with the others, before locking the drawer and tucking the key back into it's hiding place.

However, as he turned to leave, his wandering eye caught sight of some important looking documents half obscured on the desk by various notepads and stationary. Curiosity got the better of him, and he picked them up.

Moments later, they dropped to the ground as Finn stared at them in horror. He pulled out his phone and photographed each page, before shoving them back and rushing back to his room. Miriam Andrews' death was no accident.

Dewgrass home for the mentally unstable

"Ok, this question has been bugging me for a while," Issy finally asked as they both sat in Lucie's 'room'. It resembled more of a cell, but the blonde girl had chosen not to mention it. Until now.

"What did you even do to get landed with this?" She waved her arms about, indicating the padded walls and lack of windows.

"Doesn't everyone have one? Apart from you, obviously," Lucie leant against a wall adjusting the new bracelet Issy had given her. It had a purple flower on it, and the petals were speckled with white. The small flower was held in place on her wrist with a length of brown twine, that she could tie on and off.

"Um, No? Only the really bad ones. But they aren't usually let out of their cel- rooms," Issy explained, hoping that Lucie had the room just because no others had been available. But it was unlikely. She knew that her ginger haired friend disappeared after 6 pm each day, before reappearing at 7:30 for breakfast, then unusually quiet until lunch time when she could actually be unsupervised. Even then, Issy had strict rules for being around her: Don't provoke her, call for help if anything's wrong, and never, ever let her near the other inhabitants.

Why? Issy was as clueless as Lucie about all the fuss.

"I don't really know, I mean, I woke up here in the back of Mummy and Daddy's car," Lucie explained, furrowing her brow.

"Anything before that?" Issy pressed, knowing full well that she was unlikely to get an answer.

"I don't think- Yes!"


"I was walking home with Jo and Marcus, they live near me!" The ginger haired girl cried triumphantly.

"Oh," Issy said, realizing that piecing together what happened might be harder than she originally thought. She opened her mouth to say more, but only said oh again.

"What were they like?"

"Jo is short for Johanna, and she's really pretty," Lucie explained, smiling fondly, "Marcus has fancied her for ages, but she only likes Brian."

I know how that feels, Issy thought, before tuning back into Lucie's voice. "Brian is a real jerk, he's going out with Miriam. Johanna and Miriam used to be friends, until they had a fight over Brian. Then they weren't friends anymore. But that was back when we were in third grade, so Johanna and Marcus are my friends now," Lucie continued. Then she stopped and frowned.
"What's up?" The blonde haired girl asked.
"Miriam cut my hair. Back in second grade."

"What happened then?"

"She tried to blame it on Marcus, but he told everyone that it was her."

"Miriam sounds like a real snake,"

"She was- is,"

"Then what happened?"

"Well, the teacher started yelling all angry like," Lucie started laughing and put on a teachers voice.

"Miriam Andrews! You are in so- Issy!?"

Issy's eyes widened, and she choked on air. She thumped her chest as Lucie looked at her in alarm. After a while she stopped coughing and looked back at her friend.

"Nothing, I was just... Laughing so hard that I choked," She lied, before trying to change the subject.

"So, what grade are you in now?"

"Eighth grade,"

"Really? I was in seventh when I came here. If I still went to a normal school, I'd be in ninth," Issy explained, thinking back to the incident that caused her to be taken to Dewgrass.

Lucie stared at her in shocked silence. "I thought you were eleven!" She laughed, holding her ribs and doubling over. For some reason, both girls were soon rolling on the floor with tears streaming down their faces. "E-ele-ven!" Issy spluttered, before dissolving back into a giggling mess.

"Isabelle Henderson-youngs!" A nurses voice came from the doorway, and the smile instantly faded from Issy's face.

"Come with me this instant!" The nurse barked, and Issy mumbled a hasty see-you-later to Lucie and followed her out of the room.

A feeling of dread settled in her stomach as she was frog marched up the stairs and into her room, where the wallpaper had been torn away to reveal the flowers underneath.

"What is the meaning of this!"

"I don't know Nurse," She lied, looking the nurse dead in the eyes.

"Of course you do, you little vandal!" The nurse shrieked, as an older woman walked in. This woman was not dressed in a nurses outfit, yet she was strangely formidable and Issy wanted to shrink into the floor. The woman handed her a bucket of white paint and a paintbrush.

"Paint over it."


"You will paint over it, if you want to stay in this room!"

Issy scowled at the floor and reluctantly took the paint. She stared at the brightly coloured flowers on the wall through blue eyes blurred with tears.

"I'm sorry Olly," She whispered as she began to paint.

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