Speak of the devil

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"Pipes," James whispered, stroking her cheek with the back of his hand as she avoided eye contact. Laura sat behind her, an arm protectively around her younger sister's shoulders. Piper was silent and stiff, her walls rapidly reconstructing themselves to keep the emotions in.
"Please, please talk to me," The older boy cupped his hand under her chin to tilt her head upwards.
"I'm sorry," She whispered, a tear trickling down her cheek, "I'm so sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry about," James tried to hug her, but she pushed him away again.
"I'm going upstairs," Piper tried to stand up, but her older siblings pulled her back down.
"Piper, you can't keep shutting us out. It doesn't solve anything," Laura was crying, remembering the mental burden she'd carried around for six years of her life.
The youngest sibling tucked her knees up to her chest and buried her face into them. Minutes passed, until her shoulders were jerking up and down in an irregular pattern.

She was crying.

End of flashback

James felt a solitary tear trace a line down his face before it splashed onto the sofa. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand; preventing any others from appearing.
I can't cry. I have to be strong.
"Mmmm, James?" Riley yawned as she padded into the living room in one of his t-shirts.
"Yeah, Riles?"
"What time is it?"
"Isn't there a clock upstairs?"
"It doesn't speak though," His girlfriend protested and flopped down next to him. He smiled slightly, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and squeezing them slightly.
"Most clocks don't speak," The forced upbeat in his tone alerted Riley almost instantly to the fact that something was wrong.
"What's wrong babe?"
James looked at her, considering telling her the truth.
No! If you say it, it might happen...

Finn's house

The plate smashed on the ground and white porcelain shards skidded across the kitchen floor. Finn's mother swore under her breath, bending down to to scoop them up again with her bare hands.
"Mum?" Finn asked, edging around the door frame into the kitchen.
"What Finn?" She snapped irritably.

"When is Lucie coming back?"

His mother's shoulders instantly tensed up, and she clutched the broken shards so tightly that they cut into her palms. She swore even louder, dropped the red stained peices and stormed to the sink to let the tap water wash out the blood.

"Are you ok? Do you need a plaster? Can I-"

"No!" She reached out and turned the tap off so suddenly, Finn was scared that the handle would fly off.
"Just.. go dance or something," His mother sighed, pressing a sheet of kitchen roll to her hands.
"I can't - the studio's shut down."

"Go hang out with your friends then!"

"Noah's somewhere in New York, Henry's still looking for Summer, Kingston and Ozzy are at a new studio," Finn listed, counting off on his fingers.

"Why don't you find a new studio?"

"It's too late into the season. Ozzy and Kingston were replacing two dancers," He explained, as his mum pulled out a box of plasters and was rifling through them.

"What about Cherry?"

"We're not friends anymore," The blonde haired boy scowled at the floor, remembering the dare that upset Piper so much.

"That's a shame. She really liked you, you know," She told him, holding up two similar plasters to compare their size. "I always thought you two would end up togeth- Finn?" She started, but broke off as she realized that her son was no longer in the room.

The blue eyed woman bit her lip as she realized how much she'd overstepped the mark. Fixing two plasters on her hands, she went up to his room, knocking lightly on the door. "Finn?" Not reply. She pushed the door open and poked her head through. No one in there.

She checked both bathrooms: nothing.

The basement: nothing.

The living room: nothing.

"Finn!" His mother called, as thoughts raced through her mind.


A few houses down

Finn walked away from his house at a hurried pace, hands stuffed in his pockets and head down low.
She really liked you.
She liked you.
Past tense.
He could clearly remember Cherry's hurt expression when he'd happily told her that Piper had finally agreed to go on a date with him, a month after she'd kissed him. At the time, he'd simply overlooked it, but now...

"Watch it!" Cherry angrily exclaimed, as he almost charged into her.

Speak of the devil and he will appear. His step dad's words rung in his mind as a look of recognition flashed across her face.

"Finn." Her voice was icy cold, and her green eyes narrowed.

"Cherry, I'm sorry," Finn, who was tapping his toes in a nervous gesture against the pavement.

"What for?" She arched her eyebrows.

"Um.. I.. hmmm,"

"You don't know, do you?"

"No! I do, I just can't exactly explain it!" Finn protested, but she pushed past him and continued on her way. "Next time you try and break someone's heart, make sure they won't end up in a coma first," Cherry snapped, choosing the words that she knew would hurt him most.

It worked; he looked like someone had punched him in the gut. She stormed off again, her mood even worse than when she'd left Kayla's house.
He's just a stupid player. Just like everyone else I fall in love with.

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