Green Time Travel Part 2

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"Hello!" Billie said with a bright smile.

"Who the fuck are you‽" John said with a hint of anger.

"I'm Billie, the one hugging Ringo is Tré, and the other one is Mike."

"Why are you here?" Said Paul who was a lot more calm than John.

"Oh we had this time machine and we thought we'd take it out for a spin."

"What kinda music is popular in the future." George asked curiously.

"Shit, especially this one kid named Justin Bieber."

A lightbulb went on inside John's head. John gathered everyone in the room and told them the plan.

"We're going to go to the future and pull a pranks on some boy named Justin Bieber." He announced.

They all crowded into the time machine and the flying, turning, and dropping started again. They eventually got to the future and found Justin.

They proceeded to mess with him the entire day. George became a waiter at one point and messed up his order several times until Justin gave up correcting. Tré took a wet paper towel roll and made it look like a turd and placed it on his desk. Ringo put eyes on all of the items in Justin's refrigerator. As the day went on so did the pranks.

As Mike was about to tape a cut out meant to look like a cockroach to his lampshade he was caught. Justin and Mike made eye contact for a few seconds before Mike ran back to the group. They all quickly jumped out of a first floor window.

"Holy shit that was close!" John said out of breath.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU‽" Justin yelled from the window they jumped out of.

"LETS GET OUT OF HERE COMRADES!" George yelled loudly. Everyone scrabbled to get off of Justin's property.

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