Part 1

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"But you have to go, if not for me then for your children. When someone as wealthy as Thor Odinson moves to the neighborhood, it's only right to welcome them."

"To get a husband for one of our children, yes?"

"Exactly! I knew you would see reason."

"I'm not going."

"Don't torture me with those words, my dear. I might wind up sick with stress if you do."

Ah, the sweet sound of your parents arguing at dinner. Again. You shared a look with your sister, Jane, and sighed into your glass.

A supposedly wealthy man by the name of Thor Odinson had recently purchased and moved into an estate called Midgard. Your mother, a pushy and overly dramatic woman, was convinced he could be her future son-in-law. She wanted your father, a sarcastic and sometimes brusque man, to visit and welcome Thor, not because it was polite, no, but because Thor would become acquainted with your family and, therefore, the first step to marrying one of the Bennet children would be complete.

In your mother's eyes, at least.

"How long do you think it'll go on tonight?" Wanda asked.

"Just as long as any other night," Jane sighed.

Jane was the oldest of the five of you. Smart and kind, she was one of the world's leading astrophysicists, and you, closest to her out of all your siblings, couldn't be more proud.

You were a year younger than her. You were kind and direct, taking no bullshit and instead delivering a well-placed verbal blow when needed. Your way with words lead you to publish a collection of short stories.

Wanda was the middle child, with two siblings before and two after her. She tended to be more on the quiet side, observing what was going on before interacting. She read quite a bit, and was halfway through writing her own novel.

"Well, I'm excited to see Thor," Sharon said. "I hope he's as good-looking as everyone says he is, or I'll be very disappointed."

Cat nodded in agreement.

Sharon was the youngest, Cat (short for Catherine) right before her. Both were obsessed with gawking over attractive people and the idea of falling in love. When one of those poor souls went out with Sharon, she always came home complaining about the date. Cat, though she was older, followed Sharon's example.

"Of course you would," you muttered.

Neither Sharon nor Cat heard you, but Jane did, and she shot you a look. You shot her one right back, taking full notice of the hint of a smile on her face. She rolled her eyes playfully.

"I will not visit this Odinson," your dad said. "If only because we've already received an invitation to a party he's hosting."

All of you looked at him, stunned for a moment. Your mother was first to break the silence, excitedly going on about how wonderful this was, and how she knew her husband would come through. Sharon and Cat soon joined her.


It seemed as though everyone in the neighborhood had been invited. Now that you thought about it, that was probably the case. Regardless, this guy sure knew how to throw a party.

Your family broke apart as soon as you entered. Sharon and Cat followed your mother, who had gone off hoping to find your host. Wanda and your father had gone to look around and greet those you knew. You and Jane were left alone to do your own thing.

Or you would've, had Jane not tapped your arm and subtly gestured to a handsome blonde man only a few feet away.

"Is that him?" You asked.

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