Part 3

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You were livid. Absolutely pissed. Borderline murderous.

Your mother had decided Jane should walk to Midgard. Not drive, not Uber or Lyft, but walk. Never mind a storm was coming. Never mind it would most likely hit before she would arrive.

"It'll be a very good thing if the storm comes before Jane gets home," your mother had said. "That way they'll be forced to let her stay until it's over!"

You wouldn't be so upset if your mother had just let Jane drive. That damn plan would've still worked. You were also pissed at your sister for not driving herself, so she would be getting an earful from you as well.

How did you find out about this? From Wanda. Thor had called while you were out running errands. Jane had gotten caught in the rain on her way there, and was now sick, and all because of your mother's lack of common sense and, apparently, Jane's as well.

You said that last bit, not Thor.

You went to see Jane as soon as Wanda finished talking. Your mother was hot on your heels, shrieking about how she forbade you from going, how you would ruin Jane's chances at marriage, etc. You tuned her out as soon as you saw her. You wouldn't be surprised if she was telling at your father to come after you, and nearly laughed at the thought.

When Thor answered the door, you realized you probably should've called ahead to let him know you were coming.

"I'm guessing you're here to see Jane," he said.

"Yes," you replied.

He stepped aside, and you walked in. Midgard was a lovely place, but you could admire it another time. Your first priority was Jane. Thor lead you upstairs, pausing in the doorway to what you assumed was the living room to let Loki and Minerva know you were here, and into a bedroom.

When you saw Jane, she didn't look nearly as bad as you'd thought. You weren't sure whether to blame Wanda's description, your paranoia, or both. Thor closed the door behind you. You went and sat on the edge of the bed.

"You look like shit," you said.

Jane cracked a smile. "Kinda feel like shit."

"Then consider this your punishment for not frickin driving here."

"Mom wouldn't let me."

"You're an adult, Jane, you should've driven anyway. She forbade me from coming here, yet here I am."

"Fair enough."

"Damn right. Called a doctor yet?"

"I didn't want to," Jane sighed, "but Thor insisted. The doctor doesn't think it's anything bad, probably just a little cold from the rain."

"God, the way Wanda was talking anyone would think you had the measles," you muttered.

She chuckled.

"Have they been treating you well?" You asked.

She nodded. You grinned. "And Thor?"

"He's been keeping me company since I got here. Minerva checks in a lot, though she doesn't stay for long. Loki came in once to ask how I was, and I haven't seen him since. Did they say anything when you came in?"

"Only the standard greeting," you replied. "I imagine they're discussing my arrival right now."

"I doubt it. Even if they are, I wouldn't worry about it too much."

You snorted. "Gimme a break. As if I'd care what they think of me."


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