Part 16

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When they arrived for dinner, Thor sat next to Jane. You could tell she was happy, and you had a feeling something would happen between them by the end of the week.

You were hoping Loki would sit next to you, but he didn't. Instead he sat across from you, making it impossible to talk to him over the chorus of your family. You completely understood, but you couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

A few days later, Thor returned, this time alone. He spoke with Jane alone, and you and your sisters waited with baited breath for them to come out. You didn't have to wait long, and when they did come out, you were the first to notice the ring on her finger. You were all thrilled, of course, especially your mother.

When you and Jane talked that evening, she told you that she had mentioned her trip to the city.

"He swears up and down that he had no idea I was ever there," she said.

"Do you believe him?" You asked.

"I do."

"Then I do too. Minerva probably kept it from him."

"You're probably right."

Wanda came in the room then, asking for you. "Jean Grey is here to see you."

Your jaw dropped.

"Who is here?" Jane squawked.

"Jean Grey," Wanda repeated.


"Did she say why?" You asked.

Wanda shook her head. "No. She showed up and asked if you were here. I told her I would check. Do you want me to send her away?"

You wanted to say yes. You never wanted to deal with Jean Grey ever again after your visit. However, the fact that she traveled all this way specifically to see you made you more than curious.

You stood. "No, take her to the gardens and tell her I'll be right down."

Wanda nodded and left. You shared a look with Jane, then headed to the gardens to see what Jean Grey wanted.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" You asked.

"I'll get straight to the point," she replied stiffly. "There are rumors circulating that my godson intends to marry you."

Your heart skipped a beat. "I highly doubt that's true."

"I feel obligated to remind you that even the idea of it ridiculous, given the difference in social status."

"I wasn't aware we still lived in a time where someone's social status played judge, jury and executioner in regards to love," you shot back, brow raising.

"Regardless of what you think," she said pointedly, "I'm here to receive your promise that you will not see my godson."

"I can't do that."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were hard of hearing. I said I cannot and will not promise you that I will not see Loki."

"I will not allow my godson to be disgraced by associating with your family!"

"They may have their faults, but they are still my family," you said, tone as cutting as a freshly sharpened blade. "I will not allow you to talk about them as if they were no better than the dirt under your shoes. And last I checked, your godson was a grown ass man perfectly capable of making his own decisions. I feel sorry for him that you're his godmother. I'd be embarrassed and ashamed of being your godchild."

"How dare you speak to me that way!" She shrieked.

"How dare you speak to me that way! I am a human being, as are you. You are not a god, Jean Grey, and you are not any better than me. You'd do well to remember that. Now get the hell off my property."

And with that, you spun on your heel and walked away, leaving Jean Grey red-faced and sputtering behind you.

First ImpressionsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang