Part 12

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You didn't hear anything from Loki or Thor or any of that group as another month went by. As the clock ticked on, your trip with your aunt and uncle crept closer until it was finally here.

The plan had been to drive to the lakes. They had a little house nearby, and that was where you and your sisters used to go as kids when you would visit them.

On the way, though, you saw a sign that said you were passing through Asgard property. A tiny knot formed in your stomach when you remembered that this was where Loki lived.

"Isn't this where Thor and Loki live?" Your aunt asked, as if she'd read your mind.

You nodded.

"I wonder if we could see it," your uncle said.

"That might not be the best idea, given the family's history with them," you warned.

"I heard that no one but the housekeeper is there right now," your aunt said. "Perhaps they'll give us a tour."

If Loki wasn't home, then...

"I suppose it could be interesting," you said.

And that was that. You'd be trying to get a tour of Loki's house. God, you hoped your aunt was right, and that he wasn't home.

The housekeeper informed you that no one was home at the time. Loki would be arriving tomorrow. You would be long gone by then, so you weren't complaining.

She was more than happy to give you a tour of the house. It was large and grand, everything you expected it to be. You couldn't help but wonder what it would've been like to live there, had things turned out different with Loki.

She finished the tour of the house by showing a picture of three boys standing together. You recognized Loki, Thor and Wickham immediately. She went on to say how she had watched them grow from boys to men.

"Thor was kind, but he was a rambunctious child. Always running around and leaving me wondering where he got all that energy. Loki was the sweetest little boy, so kind and curious about everything. After their mother died, he grew more reserved. Wickham was a nice boy, but now he's rather two-faced."

Her bluntness caught you off guard. And while you weren't terribly surprised about Wickham, hearing about Loki's demeanor as a child threw you off even more. You couldn't imagine the man you knew being as sweet a kid as she was making him out to be.

As she led you out of the house and through the gardens, footsteps coming from behind made you all turn. Your stomach dropped at the sight of Loki.

Loki, who was supposed to be out of town.

Loki, who wasn't supposed to return until tomorrow.

Loki, who was standing right in front of you, shaking hands with your aunt and uncle and absolutely had to be wondering just what the fuck you were doing here.


Luckily, you didn't have to explain just yet. Your aunt and uncle were keeping him well occupied as you continued through the gardens. Just when you were beginning to think you could escape the awkward conversation that was bound to come, Loki excused himself from your aunt and fell into step beside you.

It was silent between the two of you for a moment too long. Neither of you seemed to quite know what to say or how to say it. So, naturally, you said the first thing that came to mind.

"The only reason we're here is because the housekeeper told us you wouldn't be returning until tomorrow," you said quietly, stealing a quick glance at him.

"That was the original plan, yes," he replied slowly. "However, my sister is coming to visit, and I thought it best to start preparations as soon as possible."

You hummed and nodded.

"Thor will be arriving tomorrow," he continued. "You and your family are welcome to stay as well, if you'd like."

You looked at him, eyes wide, and a million things racing through your mind. You realized how polite he'd been to your aunt and uncle, with little trace of the brusque and rude man you'd met so many months ago. And he had willingly spoken to you of his own volition, after the blow to his pride you'd dealt the last time you'd spoken to him, and he was offering for you to stay and see Thor and meet their sister?

You wondered, briefly, if you'd entered some kind of alternate universe.

"I don't see why not," you said, amazed at how composed you sounded when you absolutely did not feel it. "I'll have to speak with my aunt and uncle before I can give you a definite answer, but I doubt they'd object."

"Well, I'll consider your arrival a yes, and your absence a no, then," Loki replied, the corners of his lips turning up just enough for you to notice.

It occurred to you then that you'd never really seen Loki show anything other than annoyance, disdain, or any emotion synonymous with those. The fact that he'd just given you a ghost of a smile sent your heart racing as he walked away, back to your aunt and uncle.

You were distracted the rest of the time you were there. You managed to pull yourself back to the present enough to say goodbye, but you were only going through the motions built on years of habit.

"He seems different than your description," your aunt remarked.

"Very," you replied.

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