Part 14

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Your aunt left after your father returned. A week later, your uncle called. He had found Sharon and Wickham.

At this point, they'd been gone for so long that everyone in town all knew what had happened. Your family had been the latest gossip, and every time you went out you were all subject to stares and whispers. So when your uncle said that Wickham would agree to marry Sharon in exchange for a set amount of income, you weren't surprised. You also weren't surprised when your father agreed. In the high society world you lived in, a shitty marriage was better than a shitty reputation.

Though you believed Sharon's reputation was already shit, but that was beside the point.

After the call, you all assumed that your aunt and uncle must have paid Wickham a good amount of money to get him to marry Sharon. Your family owed them a large debt, that was for sure.

Your mother was thrilled at the prospect of Sharon's marriage, despite the circumstances. Kitty was the only who shared her enthusiasm. Your father burst their bubble, especially your mother's, when he informed you all that Sharon and Wickham would not be allowed to visit after the wedding.

"How could you?" She exclaimed.

"I will not allow my foolish daughter and that buffoon of a man in this house again," he insisted. "Not after what they've put us through."

You and your sisters made a quick escape before your mother tried to rally any of you to her cause.

A few days later, your phone rang. It was a number you didn't recognize, and when you answered, a very familiar voice answered back.


"That would be me."

"How did you get my number?"

"Your aunt gave it to me before you left. I called to see if you'd found your sister yet."

"We did, actually," you sighed. "Or rather, my uncle did. My father came home last week, and my uncle took over the search."

"Are they married?" Loki asked.

"Not yet. They will be."

"So Wickham thinks he'll receive a pretty penny from marrying into your family, then?"

"If that's the case, he'll be incredibly disappointed. He's only marrying her because my father agreed to provide a small income for Sharon's sake."

You weren't sure why you told him that last bit. You'd dwell on it later.

"How is Sharon?"

"Oh, I'm sure she's as thrilled as my mother. Sharon doesn't see anything wrong with any of this. We'll see how she feels when she finds out my father won't allow them in the house."

"He's banished them, then."

"Strong words, but yes."

"I'm sure your mother loved that."

"Oh, yes, she went on and on about it for hours. They're probably still arguing about it right now."

You swore you heard Loki give a small chuckle. The sound made you smile.

"And how are you?" He asked.

You hesitated. "Guilty."

There was a beat of silence before he responded. "As am I."

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