Tord New Side to See

364 11 2

Small mention of Death


I was walking down the street with Edd and Matt. They insisted I come. We walked into the store to get a few items for dinner.
"Mmmm... What saw we get?" Edd said looking around.
"How an-" Matt was cut off by people bursting into the store. Edd hand went for his phone. They staring shooting. Then it went black.


I slowly opened my eyes. Cage?
"AHH! WE'RE CATSS!" Matt Sa-Screamed beside me. I noticed that I was a cat. I glanced over to them. Edd was trying to calm the noisy 'cat.' They look like them but as cats... (if that makes sense.) The Door to the cage area? Opened. A guy comes in. He seems familiar. Red hoodie... TORD!?!? I must be over my head. The others seemed to realize I was him. Edd walked to the bars to get his attention. Matt just sat there.
"Edd... h-he..." Matt stuttered out.
"I want to know why. If he doesn't know it us he may open up to us. Being animals and all." Edd said. I give him that and shut up.


I decided get some stress ani-cats. I didn't want a dog. To much work. I looked around a bit I can't find some nice cats. "Meow" huh? My attention was grabbed by the meow that sounded like my name. I took my time going over. "Meow" Again... my name... it sounded like my name. I picked up the pace. Made it over to the front of the area.... Three? Three cats. One was hidden by the dark shadow in the cage. I looked at the one closer to me. Light brown with darker brown spots. Eye contact I don't like it. It seems human. Green eyes. It has green eyes. It... looks like Edd... Second one purple eyes... It has ginger hair with light brown spots, they were lightly dusted on the fur. Matt... Matt why do they.... I looked over at the last one. Darkest lightest hair. Blacked out eyes. Weird it seemed like it didn't like me. Tom... The closest cat hit my arm. I looked at him. I believed it was a him.  (If it is underlined it is in Norwegian)
"Do you want me to take you home buddy?" I asked. They turned there heads. "Don't speak Norwegian?" The closer head nodded... "Weird... how can a- never mind." I came out more as a whisper but I think the cats heard me. "I'll be right back. I'm going to go talk to the owner mk?" I said. "Meow" "Weird..."


Lovely! I got him to adopt us. I was smiling ear to ear.
"Not even a hour of being a cat I already has to deal with HIM" Tom hissed. I turned around. "He already thought about experimenting on us!"
"Tom... he stopped himself. He seemed to hate the thought going through his mind..." Matt said. He seemed scared of saying that. Tom looked like he was going to kill everyone that comes near him.

"Guys. Let's see where the new adventure leads us!" I said. I smiled with my eyes closed showing I wasn't going to pass the opportunity we was given. Tom sighed. Matt smiled himself. The door open grabbing the attention of us. Tord and another person came in. The other person opened the cage. Tord leaned up against the wall on his phone. He seemed to be texting someone. The other person picked me up. I was confused but went with it. Tom panicked. I smiled at him. He seemed to noticed I didn't mind and calmed down a bit not all the way though.
They put me in the me in the carrier. I couldn't see if the person picked up anyone else. Tom was put in next.
"I attempted to escape..." he said weakly.
"Of course you did," I sighed out. The person put Matt in and said something to Tord. we could see Tord clearly form the position we're in. He glanced up. He said something else. He sighed annoyed at what the person said. Tord walked over and grabbed the carrier and brought us to his car. He put us in the front seat with him.
"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Tord half yelled hitting the steering wheel. It made Tom and Matt jump. I was watching Tord. "...l-let's go home e-e-eh?" He looked over at us. Sighed and started the car. All I could think was panic attack. The poor thing had a panic attack.


Tord picked up the carrier up and went in. A female worker greeted him. Tord scaffold at the lady. We were in a nice cozy nice apartment. Set us down and let us out.
"Be right back cats. Don't run off." He said leaving the apartment.
"See no harm!" I said smiling. I walked up to the couch and jump up. "Come on!"
"Whatever," Tom said. They followed. I cloesed my eyes leaning against Matt.


If Matt could he would blush to death. He would blush if he could. Matt and Edd feel asleep. Tord came in a bit nosiey. He saw them asleep and went around the apartment quickly and quietly. Why is he so good at that... He walked over to the counter and finally got stuff together.
"What should I call you three?" Tord asked coming up to us sitting in fronted us. Why is he be- A knock came from the door waking the other two. Tord frowned when he saw that the others woke up. He got up sighing


I opened the door. "Pat, Paul..."
"We arnt friends Paul," I said. A frown came to there face. "If I do that it might as well be me replacing them." (Edd's mind.. he cares....) Pat sighed.
"They put HIM I jail what else are you on about!?" Pat said very angrily. I just close the door and locked it.
"Tord open this do-"
"Go away Paul," I just said while sitting in my chair. A sigh came from the door and two pairs of footsteps went away from the door.
"Don't care. Don't want to. C-can't care..." I looked at my lap. I started tearing up. "W-why d-d-did h-" I just broke down. I haven't been able to feel emotions after the end... or that what I call it.


Tord seemed to have so much emotions right now. I wished I could talk to him. As me.

(Words 1106)

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