Maybe I Fibbed a Bit...

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Last Time~
"I- still me fault..." I said.
"It not your fault... you saved them from that. This way you can trade your life," the person said. Should I? Sure they be devastated but..... Tom was alway close to them than me. They must love him more. No way the don't.
"Why not?"

Tord POV~
No pain? I really thought it would be painful...
"I may have fibbed..." the person said.
"WHAT!!" I yelled!
"You won't die. You won't get close to it either. I want to test you. You will be out for a bit thought.... good luck Tord..." The st-what at the end... THAT WAS PAUL!
"Thank you Paul......" then it went completely black.

Edd's POV

Tom started flat lining they pushed us out of the room. Tord passed out. Of course he thinks it is his fault.... I put Tord on the chairs head on my lap. Tom heart started. Matt picked up Tord and moved him inside the room.
"Is he okay?" A nurse said.
"Ah yes he just had bad panic attack. He'll wake up in the morning," I explain.
"All done take him home," Paul said. We all looked at him like he was stupid.
"There isn't anything wrong anymore. I don't see the problem taking him home," He explained. Matt hummed as he went over to Tom snapping his fingers in Tom's face.
"W-w-owwwwww...." Tom said slowly.
"Hehehe you okay? I ask.
"Y-yeah... is he okay?" he asked as he weakly pointed to the small norski on my lap. He was having a hard time due to Matt hugging him. I would but I have a bad feeling about Tord. He seems off for someone asleep.
"Yup! You just flat lined before you woke up and he thought it was he's fault; and passed out," I explained.
"O-okay.... when can I leave?" He ask.
"Of course," Matt said standing up straight.
"What?" Tom asked clearly offended.
"You hate being away from home.... or the bar," he explained. At least he got his memory back.
"I completely forgot you have your full memory back... oh no," Tom said.
"What?" I ask.
"Two! There're gonna team up Edd!" Tom said throwing his hands to point at Matt and Tord.
Him and Matt talked while I was siting playing with Tord's hair nervously. How is Tom completely okay. Don't get me wrong I love it; but that's weird..... and why is Tord so peac- SHUT! He wouldn't like you.... but-b-but Tord..... ughh whatever it might as well be changed the second we all get our soulmate mark...
"You may leave now!" Paul said basically skipping in the room.
"Really! Aws-" Tom was cutted off by Pat.
"If you don't drink."
"Whaaaaat," Tom said. "You said I was fine!"
"Yes, but still it could mess up the healing," Pat explained.
"Ughh," Tom groans.

Next Morning
Edd POV 

Tord didn't wake up. Not in the morning a least. Meh it's been like 12 hours...we're good....for now.

I was cooking some bacon and eggs.
"MATT YOU IDIOT!" Tom yelled as I heard stomping down the steps.
"YOU MIGHT FA-ll," I said as I heard thumping down the stairs. "downs the stairs."
"SHUT IT EDD!" Tom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

Edd's Birthday

Edd's worried about Tord. It's been two full days sense he passed out. I can't deny I am to, but he's breathing just fine. No wounds sooo he's seems fine.
I decided I should go check on him.

I pushed open the door as I heard a cough.
"You scared us you know?" I asked walking to the edge of the bed.
"Why?" He asked as he looked around. "How long have I been out?"
"T-" before I could answer the door slammed open. I do t remember shutting that....
"TORD!" Edd screamed lunching himself at Tord.
"Hey Edd!" Tord said hugging the overly emotional boy. Matt walked in smiling.
"Now I'll ask again. How long have I been out?" He asked looking up at me.
"Two days," Matt answered from beside me.
"So? You freaked out over two days? I been out way longer thannnnnnn, ummm," he noticed his mistake half way through his sentence.
"What," Edd said looking pushing himself up of Tord to look at him. Tord was avoiding our gaze.
"Tord," Matt said walking to the other side of the bed sitting. I pushed myself up the the end of his feet.
"Tord please we want to help!" Edd begged.
"H-h-he knocked me ou-out f-for long-linger than t-that," he said looking at his lap. "I-n-o-never mind"
"Tord..." Edd said hugging him. Tord tensed for a second before sinking in.
"Like Edd said will help you Tord! You arnt getting rid of us!" Matt sai- more like yelled but whatever. I nodded along. We sat there for a bit.
"Wanna watch TV?" Tord asked looking around at us.
"SUREEEEE!!!" Edd yelled pulling Tord along side him. I looked at Matt and he looked at me. He got up following them. I followed the line of idiots with the smart one at the end.

About a hour later
Tord POV

I was the only one awake. I felt tingling under my wrist. Thinking I was just sleepy I ignored it. It didn't stop. I sighed pulling my arm from behind Tom and looked at the spot on to stop immediately. There was a black heart cut into four call call parts. One was green with a tiny cat in it. Next was a purple with a tiny mirror(...?) in it. Next was blue with a tiny harpoon in it. It was Edd, Matt, and Tom parts. I knew it but... mines going to be something around guns isn't it. I look at the it was red with a... screwdriver. Probably to show my love for inventing stuff. How lovely. I looked around at the three around me. I have an idea. I push the two beside me of the couch. Snickering I went to do the same to Edd but the table was in the way. Edd woke up the the lack of warmth he had before.
"WHYYYYYY!!!" Matt screamed from the floor. Tom was already up and glaring at me. I just pointed to my wrist. Edd got the message looking down at his wrist.
"YASSSSSSS!" He screamed.

3rd person
So now Tord, Tom, Edd, and Matt are dating. Pat and Paul moved in.

Nowwww there might be a part 2 I don't know right now but for now this is the end of the story!

So have a good day/night a maybe look at my other stories if you into the fandom? Only other fandom up right now is Sander Sides and a Black Butler being thought of! And soon more Eddsworld!!

(Words 1162)

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