Month 7

75 6 1

~TW~Death, Panic Attack, Gore~


....7 something... hap-
What- T- N- my fault- Ma- E- ITS MY FAULT! Ple- I- so- to- w- please-


Seven months. It's been seven months sense Edd awake. About eight sense it happened. A year and a half sense the sorry-excuse-a-father got what he almost got what he wanted. We let Tom wonder the city during the day. We went up to the hospital to get so information on Tom. Let's get back to the story shall we?


Matt and Edd was in front of me; I was trailing behind. I had a feeling... something not going to go right.
"Ahh. Here to see Tom?" The nurse said as we got to the hall the room was in.
"Yep!" Edd said. "Anything change?"
"No clue those men took over and we barely get an information," the nurse said.
"Oh," Edd said as I opened the door going ahead.
"Pat? Paul? What up?" I asked.
"Mmm? Oh he's stable for now," Pat said glancing or at Tom.
"For now?" Matt asked walking up beside me.
"Yeah, we arnt going to lie to you," Paul said fixing up around the room.
"We are setting up to do surgery," Paul said walking over to Tom.
"...oh. Can we stay at the hospital? And you know... wait?" Edd asked.
"A week. In a week he should wake up," Paul said.

~~Time skip~Edd and Matt went to find cat Tom~~

I was in the room above the surgery room. I basically forced my way up here. I was watching for any sort of failure. These seats are uncomfortable. It's stuffy. It's dark. Cold... but hot? I feel like I can barely see the room under me. I slowed my breathing. I looked down watching again. I was standing now.
NO nononononononono please... it's my fault... isn't it...... please........ I-m-t-I'm sorry- so sorry.... if I didn't leave......
"If you didn't leave they would have died from HIM," said a voice.
"Who said that?" I said spinning around. I was face to face with who? The room around us became black. We are in a void now.
"I'm here to make a deal," the person said.
"What kind of deal?" I asked.
"You life for Tom's. He lives, your near death instead..." the person said.
"I- still me fault..." I said.
"It not your fault... you saved them from that. This way you can trade your life," the person said. Should I? Sure they be devastated but..... Tom was alway close to them than me. They must love him more. No way the don't.

"Why not?"

Sorry for the short chapter just really wanted to add a cliffhanger cause why not!

~don't kill yourselves it doesn't stop the pain just gives it to someone else~

Thanks for reading ~Lonely
(Words 483)

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