𝗘𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧 : end

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"I'm sorry." Said Jungkook and pulled Jimin closer for a hug. He started crying. He felt so guilty that he made Jimin hurt for 2 years that he wasn't able to control his tears from falling.

"No. It's okay." Jimin said and hugged Jungkook tightly.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I'm not fucking kidding you. I'm not fooling around. Believe me. I'm damn serious. Please. I'm dead serious Jimin-ah. This is not a drunken talk. I will not forget this tomorrow." Jungkook exclaimed inbetween his sob.

"I believe you and I love you too. Don't cry, Jk." Jimin said and brushed through Jungkook's hair.

"Let's sleep now." Jimin again spoke because Jungkook stayed silent.

"You go and sleep. I'll just go to the bathroom." Jungkook said.

Jimin responded with a nod and lied on the bed again. He yawned. Now, he's sleepy. He closed his eyes and tried sleeping. Jungkook on the other hand kept on mumbling how he hates himself for what he had done.

"Damn you, Jk." He repeatedly said.

Minutes later, he came out and walked towards Jimin. He was already sleeping; shirtless. Jungkook fixed the blanket and covered Jimin's body. He sat on the right side of the bed because Jimin was on the left. He touched his face. His hair. His eyes. His nose... his lips. Jungkook's hand stayed there for a while.

"I want to kiss you." Jungkook unconsciously uttered. When he realized what he did, he removed his hand on Jimin's lips and looked away immediately.

"WTF. What am I thinking?" He told himself and slightly grabbed his hair.

But he just couldn't resist Jimin's charm. He looked at him again and leaned close to his face--

"UHG! DMN THIS LIFE." Jungkook irritatedly said and walked away from Jimin. His thoughts are going wild and he just couldn't believe he's having those. He opened his phone and played a song to calm himself down.

Jungkook took a deep breath for a couple of times before he finally was able to calm himself. He then went beside Jimin.

"I really want you now. ---Fck you Jungkook! Have some respect." Jungkook is battling against himself.

Jimin was just peacefully sleeping while Jungkook was struggling so much.

"Would you be mad if I kiss you right now?" Jungkook asked the sleeping Jimin.

Jungkook, get a hold of yourself. Touching an unconscious person would never be okay. Harassment is a crime! 

"I love you. And I'm now sure that you feel the same. But now, you're sleeping. And you're also drunk. There's a chance that you'd sue me tomorrow if I really do it. Damn it. This won't do. I need to leave before I commit a crime I'd definitely regret the next day." Jungkook said and about to stand when Jimin; now sober, grabbed his hand, making him lose his balance and eventually lie in the bed. Jimin immediately kissed him the moment his back landed on the bed.

Jungkook; under Jimin was unable to move nor say anything.

"Where do you think you're going? I told you to stay with me."

"I was jus--"


"Jimin? What was that?"


"What the fuck are you doing to me?!"


"You've rested enough, right? You're conscious and aware—"

"I am. I wasn't that drunk anyway. Besides, I had enough rest so I am fully awake now—"

Jimin need not to finish his statement, Jungkook had immediately pulled and kissed him right on the lips. It wasn't a peck. It was one real kiss filled with love which Jungkook kept for so long. Jimin responded with the same tension, same emotion and same amount of love.

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