Chapter 4: My Decision

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"Ow!" Dorian opened him hazy eyes to find himself sitting in a wheelchair in the middle of the nurses station. "What the hell is-" Another smack. It felt different though this time, more gentle. He hissed and covered his cheeks to prevent further attacks. First Cox, then Carla, why was everyone pissed at him? And were the smacks really necessary?

"What happened to your hip?" Perry demanded.

"Bumped it."

"Bullshit. Speak or we will strip you down in the middle of this hospital here and now and have Todd give you a full work up." The man in question who happened to be walking by at that exact moment gave him an eager head nod. JD swallowed nervously.

"Fine. I got hit with a gurney by a couple paramedics when grabbing a snack at the vending machine. "

"After I left?" Turk asked, his eyes sad. He nodded. "I can't believe I missed that! It would have been hilarious!" Carla seemed to be struggling to keep her composure as Cox was bent over in loud guffaws.

JD glowered at the floor, he felt his face warm in both anger and embarrassment. A friendly hand clapped him on the shoulder. "C'mon man its a little funny. Plus you should be alright. It looked like it was just a fracture, nothing serious. As long as you stay in that chair for the next couple weeks you should be fine. And before you overreact, yes, I did check your hip and no it wasn't here. It was in one of the rooms."

JD glanced over at the Todd warily. "By myself as well."

"If by yourself you mean with me and Lurk present, then yes. Only your lover saw you naked." Cox rolled his eyes. JD tried not to think about it and wheeled in a slow circle before looking at them again.

"Where are my clothes?"

"Burned." The Janitor chimed in, how long had he been there listening in?

"I will go see if anyone has any spare clothes in your size."

"Thanks, Turk."

It would be another half hour before he finally managed to check back in with Strand, fully-clothed now. "You look better."

"You look worse."

"Gee thanks." He laughed. " I have been meaning to ask, Jeremy. Is there anyone you want us to call? Friends, family, teachers?" The twenty year old fiddled with his thin blanket and avoided his eyes. That was answer was enough for him so he changed the subject. "Hey look at this, I learned how to do wheelies." JD leaned back in the seat and tilted the wheel chair until the front wheels were in the air. He wobbled about the bed confidently until one wheel caught on a wire and sent him careening backwards. "AAAH! Oof!... That... -was very painful." He was stuck on his back to the left of the hospital bed now, legs in the air and unable to do much more than lay there until a nurse helped him up.

"Hey, Dr.Doctor. Could I tell you something like... Off the record?" JD twisted is head to the side to look at him.

"Of course."

"I-.. I did something... Y'know to myself.. And that's how I got here in the first place." JD's eyes widened, he already knew this of course but it was the first time the man admitted it, which was a big first step.

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