Chapter 6: My Accidental Suicide

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To JD's dismay, he discovered it was just about impossible to kill himself in his new, baby-safe apartment. All the medications were mostly empty or were replaced by prenatal vitamins, all the knives were hidden God knows where along with the cutlery, and there was absolutely no place high enough to hang from.

"Damn her good parenting.." He mumbled half-heartedly, running a hand through his hair. JD's eyes scanned over his surroundings. There had to be some way.. Somehow...

Just then the front window's blinds lit up and he could feel the apartment rattle ever so slightly as a few cars shot past.

"That's it!" A relieved smile broke over his face as he pulled on his shoes and jogged out into the icy, early morning darkness.

The hair on his body rose to attention as a gust of wind whipped past with another car. It was dark, oh so dark. So dark it was hard to tell just what was stepping out from the bushes until it's too late. It was true for so many, and just the same was it for the unsuspecting driver of a local flower delivery van. Perfect.


One moment the road before Archer was a desolate asphalted wilderness, the next there was suddenly a ghostly pale figure stumbling out. Light reflected on the squinting eyes of the motionless silhouette as it's dark brown hair rustled eerily. He tried to veer out of the way but the opposite side of the road had a small car rushing past and on his other side was a line of houses.

There was nowhere to go.

The driver slammed his foot on the brakes and closed his eyes, praying for the stranger to move.

God must have been preoccupied at that very moment. Because there was no miracle, only a gut-wrenching cracking and crunch as the man took the full impact of the van and was thrown to the side. His legs were the only part still far enough in the street to be ran down by the heavy vehicle.

"Oh fuck! Are you-?! Jesus!" The driver pulled to the side of the road and jumped out of his van, phone in hand. He dialed the number quickly and heard the line ring twice.

"9-11, what is your emergency?" Around him the windows of stranger's homes began to light up. Morbid curiosity drawing the locals from their beds.

"I- I accidentally hit somebody with my van! He's bleeding bad! Oh shit.. Please-! Send an ambulance!"

"An ambulance is on the way. Please stay on the line until help arrives..." A bored voice mumbled from the speaker while a crowd began to form around him.


"Doctor Cox!"

"'The hell do you want?" The curly-haired doctor spun on his heel and sighed as he found Elliot looking more flustered than usual behind him. This wasn't going to be pleasant he could already tell.

"I- There was- JD-!" She sputtered, eyes wide and watering. The older doctor was beginning to grow impatient. He crossed his arms, tapping his fingers along his bicep.

"Spit it out, Barbie. I have a job to do and that job does not include giving you speech therapy."

"JD-.." She dragged in a breath and steadied herself, "He was hit by a car while on a walk. He's in surgery with Turk right now.It doesn't look good."

"How did-..? Why now of al-? Y'know what? It doesn't matter. I have rounds to finish." He shook the questions from his mind and filled his head with medical charts instead.

"What? Did you not hear me?!" Panic was replaced with outrage and the grating shrillness of the woman's voice grew worse. "JD could die and all you care about is your rounds?!"

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