Chapter 7: My Visitors

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"JD... Oh God.." Kim pushed past Elliot, her aching feet unable to move fast enough as she reached for her boyfriend. "JD.. How did this happen?" Moisture brimmed in her eyes and she felt the child within her adjust. She held her abdomen gingerly as she waited for the wave of pain to pass.

Beep.... Beep... Beep....

The heart monitor sang the melody to its uncaring audience.

"Kim." A calm, yet authoritative voice called behind her. She looked up to find Cox staring at her with a dark gaze. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

She wiped a hand across her face and straightened herself, "Of course. What about?"

The doctor nodded towards the unconscious man she sat beside nonchalantly. Her fingers twitched around Dorian's before tightening a little. A sudden need to protect surged through her. To protect who and from what she wasn't sure.

"Sit down."


"I'm sorry! I know I was late yesterd-!... No! How could you think that?! I am taking care of my husband and I know you don't know what that is like but-" Carla scoffed in surprise as the other nurse cursed over the speaker. "No-No-No.. You listen hear and you listen good, you son of a bi-"


"Not now, Turk. I'm in the middle of something." She batted his hands away.

"Carla, put it down. Come on, for me." She shot him a look before letting out a long breath.

"This isn't over." She warned before ending the call and putting a hand on her husband's shoulder. "Is everything okay? I could get you-"

"I will be fine, Carla. And don't give me that look, I am an adult and can handle being home alone. You should go to work, I will watch Izzy." He grabbed her work bag and pressed it into her arms. "Really, I'm good."

"Really? Are you sure because I-" He interrupted her with a kiss and smiled at her.

"Yes. Go or you'll be late." Carla was at a loss for words for a second before she nodded and scurried out the door. "Love you!"

"Love you too!" She called as she twisted about the hallway, mind muddled and heart pumping.

Coast clear, Turk finally let the gravity of the situation set in for the first time since he saw his friend being dragged into the ER.

"Move! Patient coming through! Move!" Turk jumped out of the way with an annoyed huff.

"Why are paramedics always making such a scene? They always think they are so much better than everyone else."

"Tell me about it..." Todd agreed. "Everyone knows surgeons are the best anyways so.." He shrugged with a grin.

Turk whooped and accepted the painful high-five. "You got that right!"

"Turk. You are needed for surgery immediately. A patient was just brought in in critical condition a moment ago and we need all hands on deck."

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