Chapter 5: My Returning Memories

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It was strange, he decided. Strange looking about at his friends and this place he'd been a million times and know it'd be the last time he ever saw it. He smiled at everyone he passed, made time to visit every patient of his and then some and even decided to talk to the Janitor at the end of the day. Most important of all, he ditched the chair. If today was to be his last, he'd rather spend it in pain and walking than slightly uncomfortable and rolling. So, naturally, Cox tried to force him into the chair any chance he got, most times by force.

"So I said to him, "Mr.Walters.. I am your doctor, not your wife. I can't-" JD stopped mid-sentence as his pager went off. It was for Jeremy. "I have to go check in on a patient, be right back." He left the Turks behind and stumbled inside room 213.

"Hello- Where are you going?"

"I am admitting myself to the inpatient clinic down the road." Jeremy seemed more lively than he had ever seen him, happy almost. If only he could do the same.

"Good for you man." JD smiled. Strand was sitting on his hospital bed, completely dressed and ready to go. "Are you waiting for the nurse take you?"

"Yes, that.. And to say thank you and goodbye."

"Oh. You already said thank you though.." He chuckled.

"That was then. For making me laugh. This thank you is for making me want to try. To make me want to live again." He stood up and held out a hand to him, JD took it and shook it, before he knew it he was dragged into a hug by the surprisingly tall college student. "I also just wanted to tell you that you should do the same. I could tell from day one that you were like me and it's only gotten worse." Dorian stiffened in his patient's arms. "Don't do anything stupid, Dr.Doctor. It's not worth it." And then he was released from his arms shortly after, still in shock by the unexpected advice.

"I-I am not planning to do anything stupid," Jeremy quirked an eyebrow in disbelief. "I'm not. And, if you wanted to know, my name is John Dorian or JD. Not Dr.Doctor." He smiled.

Jeremy sighed. "Whatever you say, Dr.Doctor. My ride's here." Nurse Ronnie eyed Dorian's standing form with an expectant gaze that he thought best to avoid.

"Goodluck, Jeremy."

"Goodbye, JD."

And he was gone. He didn't have time to mourn the loss of his friend though, Kelso was out on his rounds and it was one of the only chances he had to talk to him.

"Kelso! Doctor Kelso!" He yelled after him as he shambled forwards. "Can Kim-

"Yes!" He was dumbstruck. It was really that easy?

"Huh.. Oh well." 'Two down, one last thing to take care of. Get a hug from Turk and Cox. Turk should be easy if he isn't in surgery, Cox I will have to catch off guard.'

"Chocolate bearrr..." He opened his arms at his friend. "C'mon~..." Turk hesitated, looking about himself to make sure Carla wasn't looming about the nurse's station he leaned on. All clear.

"Okay, Vanilla bear." Turk's hugs were always the best. His arms were thick and muscular and pulled you in tight but the slight chubbiness to him gave him a lovely cushion. JD relished the few seconds they held each other before pulling away. "You alright, man?"

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