Chapter 17: My Glimpse into Darkness

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Dorian stretched out on his bed and groaned. He had work soon but the mere prospect of just getting up seemed unbearable to him. With a little hesitation he threw aside his covers and got to his feet. It was going to be another long day.

"Can you cut it out! I don't need any there!" 
"Be quiet and stop moving so much," Carla said, dabbing some more cream on her husband's face. His and Turk's dining table was coated in various colorful containers and little bits of liquid dotted its surface. Dorian was confused by the scene but decided not to question it as he walked past.

A bottle fell on the floor with a dull thump as his best friend readjusted himself. "Could you atleast be a little gentler? I feel like you're exfoliating my skin off." He yelped and jerked his head away as Carla pressed even harder. JD chuckled at Turk's green and purple-coated face which made his friend's already-present frown deepen. "Shut up, JD, it's not funny. You wouldn't be laughing if she were doing this to y- OW! What are you doing now?!"

Carla's tweezers hesitated a moment as she struggled not to laugh at her husband's face filled with nothing but pure betrayal and moisturizers . "I'm trying to pluck those caterpillars of yours. They are getting ridiculous. Me and Dan agreed it's time for them to go if you are coming to the wedding. You know how Elliot is. Everything needs to be perfect, and those are not going to fly with her. So stop complaining unless you want to deal with her yourself."

Turk grumbled halfheartedly but let her continue on with small flinches with each pluck.

"Mhm," Dan closed the fridge and made JD jump. When did he get here? The younger of the two stepped around his brother and looked about for a clean bowl. "If you wanna get yourself looking like a catch like me then you'll just have to bite your lip and bear with it there, Turk."

Dorian had just turned to grab a spoon when he found the other man now standing directly behind him. "Hey there little brother! You're extra quiet today," he noted with a grin. "Do you know where your patient's scans are? Swore they were over here somewhere.. Been looking for them all morning and these guys had no clue."

"Scans-?" He looked at the bowl in his hands as he tried to figure out which he meant. For just a moment he swore the stripes upon its surface seemed to move ever so slightly.

"Yeah, Newbie, that's what I said. Now are you gonna answer me or do I have to get the Janitor. He's always saying he has his ways for getting people talking." Cox crossed his arms, his pointer finger tapping impatiently upon his bicep. "So?"

JD's head shot up alarmed and found Perry standing in his brother's place. He looked around himself and the apartment was gone, the chaos of Sacred Heart now surrounding him. "..What is-  Where did Dan go? He was just here and-" He looked down at his hands and found them holding a chart. Maybe Turk was right, maybe he did need more sleep.

"What the hell are you mumbling about? Dan, like your brother? Why should I know where he is? He's not my problem and I intend to keep it that way."

"OW!" Turk yelled and JD froze. "Can we please take a break? You're going to kill me, woman!"

"I-.. I will be right back." Cox gave him an odd look but he brushed it off as he followed the sound of his best friend's voice. If anyone knew what was going on it would be him. The lights above him seemed to get brighter as he walked making his eyes squint and his head throb. Did he drink last night? That'd explain the possible blackout and aching gut. "Turk?"

"Motherf-!" The voice  cried. He was getting close now. "5 seconds! That's all I ask, 5 seconds! ...Thank you."

The hallway he walked down seemed to almost be growing or something. The end of the hall always seemed to be the same distance away no matter how far he traveled or how fast he went. JD checked each room he passed but they were all empty or locked. Where was he going again? He couldn't be far from whatever it was, he assumed. And.. who was he again? It was at the tip of his tongue. JD stopped in his tracks and tried to assess the situation. Where did his chart go? He swore he just had one.

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