First meeting

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/First time writing something this big. English isn't my native language and I am sorry if grammar isn't the best./

Story starts on a regular day when Sabrina waits for her friend at the front door of University. She has been waiting for 15 minutes already, her friend promised to be in and out in a minute.
"Where is she?" Sabrina thought to herself "It wasn't anything big, just returning book back to library".

Why didn't Sabrina come along? Well she was done with university for this year, it's break- and-no-uni-time and even being inside that building is too much and actually being around people at this time brings her no joy. She is still waiting, but now she is sitting on a bench and enjoying the Sun- her eyes are closed and she can feel the warmth.

Some time passed and she feels someone standing in front of her, well she feels the lack of Sun on her face
"Anna, where have you been?"Sabrina spoke as she opened her eyes, but it wasn't her friend she was looking at - it was a very handsome guy who was simply smiling 

"Aaaa! Sorry! I thought you were a friend of mine" somehow Sabrina managed to speak properly...well she knew how to talk and she had no problems with talking about studies, but talking to guys on regular basis and especially this handsome is not her field of expertise. 

"Oh no! I should be the one apologising for disturbing you!" he said still smiling

"But you didn't really disturb me, maybe surprised a bit..that's it" Sabrina was smiling back at the guy. It seemed like forever how they were just looking at each other. On any other day she would feel awkward, but not now.

"I'm Jackson by the way!" 

"I'm Sabrina" they shook hands.

"Are you studying here, Sabrina?" how can a smile never leave his face?

"Yes, I am. I am studying medicine here, and how about you are you a student here?"

"I wish to be. I came to apply my documents today."
"So he just finished secondary school" Sabrina thought "That explains why I felt comfortable, he is younger." Jackson is barely younger than her, but that is for her to discover. In truth, she felt comfortable with him, because he was a walking ray of sunshine. No one would feel bad or sad or anything negative while he is around, it's not that he is magical or supernatural, he simply is that type of a person. Person who will light up the room just by being there.

"What do you plan on studying?" Sabrina asked 

"Oh, I am thinking of Communication, you know working with people, I am thinking of being an event planer or something like that" he smiled brightly. Sabrina got lost in his smile, because it wasn't just his mouth that smiled, his eyes are shinning like little diamonds. 

"OMG! I am so sorry, that you were waiting so long! I met Julie and you know, how easy it..." Anna didn't finish, because she saw a boy talking to her friend Sabrina...her friend who gets quite uncomfortable left alone with people she doesn't know. And Anna is surprised that her friend is still looking fine and not stressed.

"Hello!''Jackson said to Anna "I see your friend has returned, so I'll be going! Bye!" he waved goodbye. 
"Bye! Good luck!" Sabrina spoke as she waved back.

Jackson went inside the main building. Anna and Sabrina went to the bus stop. While Anna was saying that Sabrina should have asked for his number, Sabrina was certain that she won't see Jackson again, it was a big university - accidentally meeting people from other faculties is not easy.

And so she shook him out of her mind and let herself rest for the summer. First year of university wasn't easy and second won't be better. She needs all the rest she can get.

As for Jackson, he is sure that they will meet again, but now is not the time to think about that. It's time to become a University student.

/It's nothing big, I hope whoever reads this chapter and future chapters will enjoy the story/

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