It was just a dream

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"Jackson, what are you doing here?" Sabrina asked while looking at him.

"What do you mean? It's a date night and I came to pick you up!" He gave her the most beautiful smile.

"Yeah, but I still need to change, I am not going out in my lab coat" Sabrina laughed

"You look beautiful wearing anything..." he winked.

Sabrina smiled at him and finished up her lab work. It was a small assignment she needed to do outside her regular classes, just because she was sick recently.

"But how did you find me? Your usual classes aren't in this part of the building" She spoke after closing the door behind her.

"I asked someone for the direction and here I am" Still smiling he kissed her cheek. A simple gesture really, but Sabrina blushes like it's the first time. He took her hand in his and they walked to the cloakroom.

"So wait here, while I change real quick!" Sabrina let go of Jackson's hand and went into one of the changing rooms that university provided for students, well those rooms were more for dentistry students, but if you need to use them you use them.

This wasn't really their first date,  but at the same time it was. They spent quite some time together studying side by side, going out for walks...just being there, but together.

Sabrina changed into tight blue jeans and a top with rather deep cleavage which for her was a rather daring look. Somehow lately she felt more comfortable, more confident in more revealing things.

"Wow" Jackson said with wide eyes

"Thanks" Sabrina laughed "let's go?"

"Let's go" and they again held hands. This feeling is something Sabrina not sure she will ever get used to, maybe she doesn't want to. She wants to feel magic or sparks...or whatever it is when Jackson is right there, next to her.

"So what's the plan?"she asks.

"Enjoy each others company"

"We do that every time we meet"


"Soo?" Sabrina looks at Jackson with a question in her eyes.

"It's a surprise" he smiled like a morning sun, so bright and warm.


"You trust me, right?" Jackson asked in a serious tone.

"Yes, I do"


"Isn't it a bit too cold for a walk at the beach?" Sabrina asked Jackson when she noticed that they arrived to that secret place by the sea.

"We're not going to do much of walking"

"Then it's going to be really col...d.!" Sabrina noticed a small couch in front of the fire.


"More like touched...this is beautiful"

"Thank you, I was thinking of blankets, but it's really not that warm and this is just much more comfortable"

They sat on the couch and looked at the fire.

"Remember when we sat like that at the Christmas Ball? You were sad about some silly crush and I was sad about my now ex-girlfriend" Jackson interrupted the silence they were sharing.

" that time that crush wasn't silly for me" Sabrina slightly slapped Jackson on his hand.

"I hope it is now!" Jackson said in funny yet offended voice.

"Of course it is...because you know there is this...guy...who's kind and funny and with him it feels like world is just a better place..." Jackson looked at Sabrina and his eyes were sparkling, how can someone make their eyes sparkle "And I hope that there is no heartache left after your breakup?"

"None at all, Lexi and I we were really young when we got together, what we had was beautiful, but now I am chasing this girl, who's so smart and loyal and caring and so many other things that there are not enough words to describe her"

Sabrina blushed "she sounds quite cool"

Jackson laughed "just like the guy you described, hey, maybe they should date!"

Sabrina chuckled in response "maybe, they should"

Jackson pulled Sabrina closer so she could rest her head on his shoulder comfortably.

"This is nice"

"It really is"

'No!' Sabrina opened her eyes 'it was just a dream...damm it, why are my dreams so real'

She stayed in bed for a little longer and then got up to meet the day.

Summer is far from over.

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