Hi, there!

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"I missed you and I even missed studying, but the stress that's going to start is something I shall never miss" Sabrina was talking to her group mate and male bff Nick. Today is the first day of new semester, they already know the schedule and for now it doesn't look that bad- one or two classes a day and one day with four lectures. 

"Well...same! You and me, we are great balls of stress during semester, but let's be honest- It's a miracle that you are still alive, like you looked quite pathetic at the end of first year.." Nick looked at Sabrina with sympathy in his eyes

"Oh god... Don't remind me that... I could barely walk after I left examination hall and biochemistry exam wasn't even that difficult...it was just me and worries" Sabrina shivered while remembering last year. "But this year it won't be that bad, I worked on myself, I even went to see a therapist just to work on my stress management and confidence"

"Is therapy really helping?"

"I think so, well I feel like a human not like a ball of stress or panic"

They went inside the building. University was full of people, well new semester has started and there are so many first year students. She remembers how everything about University felt busy on her first day. She also remembers how scared she was when she first met her group mates, they seemed so unapproachable, but now she knows that it wasn't true. Sabrina really loves her group, she feels like she belongs with them, before in secondary school or elementary school she felt as if something was wrong with her...to be honest she feels like there is always something wrong with her...

"I'll go to the bathroom"said Nick and like that Sabrina was out of her memory lane "are you going to go as well or will you just wait for me?"

"I'll wait for you by the coffee machines" 

While Sabrina was waiting for Nick she was just looking at her phone and answering Anna. They both wished each other good luck in this academical year. Anna was studying communication at the same university where Sabrina studies medicine, sometimes they are lucky enough to run into each other, but most of the time their schedule doesn't work in their favour. 
While Sabrina was putting phone in her pocket, she was pocked from behind...

"Hi, there! I thought it was you, I don't forget faces"

"Jackson? Hi! So you got in! Congratulations!" 

"Thank you! It is a bit scary to start University" he laughed a little, but that laugh was enough to make Sabrina feel warmth.

"There is nothing to worry about! I am sure you'll do great and have the most fun here" Sabrina said that, because Jackson looked like that guy, who would talk freely with anyone and make friends in a second, and in University to have fun that is all you need. Sabrina did have fun here, but her fun isn't in meeting people, her fun is in studying what she likes and hanging out with her group mates and some course mates she met while studying. 

"Aww thank you! You say such a lovely things!"Jackson chuckled, he looked at his phone and said "Ahh crap, I have to run, first lecture starts in a few minutes! It was nice seeing you!" 


"Who was that? He's cute!"said Nick 

"First year student, I met him before summer break started. I really didn't expect he would remember me"

"Maybe you made a lasting impression...or or or he liked you from a first moment he saw you and now love will bloom" Nick spoke in a very dramatic tone and then laughed

Sabrina said laughing "Yeah, sure, guy like that would be interested in me"

"Why not? You are not bad looking, well you are not worse than other girls in here"

"Awwwww, thank you! You can be so sweet sometimes!" Sabrina smiled. 

They went into the classroom and like that the first day of a new semester started. And who knows what surprises will happen.

/Nothing much is happening yet, but life is also like that, there are days and times where a simple hello is enough to make the day. I hope that someone will enjoy and maybe relate at some things./

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