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After the winter break new semester had started. Sabrina and Jackson really did keep in touch sharing some memes and talking about well almost anything. It was a new friendship that Sabrina really cherished, not because it wasn't easy for her to make friends, but because Jackson was a harbour of peace for her. Why she needed that harbour? 

It all happened on a regular day, she was sitting in a lecture and listening to the Profesor, after first 30 minutes Sabrina got aware of the amount of people in the room- and the room was full. She started to breathe heavily, she felt how her heart was racing and hands sweating- another panic attack, those hadn't happened for a while. Therapist explained that those won't go away easily, but she also said that Sabrina shouldn't be scared of them. Well it is easier said than done, because she was panicking and it terrified her. She looked around a bit and then decided to get up and leave.

"Hey, you okay?" whispered Linda

"Yeah, I just need some air, too crowded for me" answered Sabrina "but I won't be coming back today, so please send me notes later?"

"Sure, not a problem! See you tomorrow!" smiled Linda

"See you!" Sabrina said and left the room. She still felt terrified and she could feel how her knees are getting weak.  She rested against the wall and closed her eyes for a bit.

"Hey, you okay?" asked familiar voice. Sabrina opened her eyes and gave Jackson a weak smile.

"Yeah...well no, not really"

"Do you need something? Water? Something sweet?" Jackson was really worried for Sabrina, he had never seen her so pale.

"I just need a moment and maybe a bit of distraction.Tell me something..." 

"Ammm...hmmm.. What could I tell you? Oh! I got an A on my project! You must be proud of me" Jackson smiled and Sabrina chuckled

"I am very proud of you! But I think I need a bit more for distraction" she still felt how her heart was racing, but it was better than before

"Maybe, we can go for a walk that could help you" Jackson said and offered his hand 

"Ahh sure" she grabbed his hand. And so they exited the building and walked around the hood

"So what happened to you?" asked Jackson

"Ahh nothing big, just amm a panic attack. It has happened to me before, just this time I really wasn't expecting it. I have been fine for a quite a while now"

"Do you know why they happen to you? And you don't have to answer if you don't feel like it" that last sentence Jackson said so quickly just to make sure he doesn't sound like a jerk.

"It's fine"Sabrina smiled "Amm well to put it in simple words I have a little to zero confidence and therefore I am scared of embarrassment, but It's better than last year, I was a walking stress ball who at worst days could't even leave my house" after hearing Sabrina, Jackson just stopped and hugged her. Sabrina was caught of guard, but she patted Jackson's back.

"I am so sorry, that you went through such hardships!" whispered Jackson

"Hey, hey! I am fine! Don't worry about me! I can handle myself just fine...enough" Jackson was still holding on Sabrina

"Shouldn't at least someone else worry about you?"

"Naaaah, I am fine" reassured Sabrina. Jackson was still holding her, but now he looked her in the eyes

"Do you believe that when you say it?" he asked in a very serious tone

"I don't have another choice! I have to believe that, If I don't I'll just fall apart. And I can't do that... I don't know if I have the strength to get up..." at these words Sabrina was ready to cry, but she held herself back

"To me you seem strong enough to do everything, even standing up after falling apart" Jackson looked at Sabrina with crystal clear eyes. She was ready to say something funny to laugh this situation off, but Jackson was so serious  that she just couldn't

"Thank you! It really means a lot to me! But let's change the topic, this is getting a bit too dark" and now Jackson laughed and let go of Sabrina. Oddly she already missed the hug. They walked around a bit more and talked about University and other things.

"I think I should go home, I still have to study" said Sabrina

"Let me give you a ride"

"Thank you!"

When Jackson took her home it reminded that time after the Christmas Ball. She remembered how sad she was because of some crush and how happy she was after spending the rest of the evening with Jackson.

"Okay, we're here" said Jackson

"Oh, that was fast! Thank you... and thank you for today! It was nice to feel support..."

Jackson smiled "No problemo!" 
Before jumping out of the car Sabrina kissed Jackson's cheek. That is something nor she, nor he expected, but both of them smiled and like that Sabrina left the car.

/Going baby steps. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and will enjoy future chapters/

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