A month

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It's been a month since the last panic attack and that nice walk with Jackson. These days they see each other rarely, because both of them are busy with studying, but of course they send each other an occasional text message or a meme.

"Heyyy, so what's up with you and that youngster?" Nick asked

"What do you mean?" Sabrina replied with a question

"Well..what you told me about the ball and that time he came to a rescue... one could think that some feelings are blooming" sheepishly smiled Nick

"Blooming? Really? Are we talking about relationship or flowers?" laughed Sabrina

"Don't tell me that you have no feelings toward the guy! Come on! Your face lights up every time you just see him"

"I like him, I do, but I don't know if it's I like you as a human, a friend or something more"

"Maybe you should go on a date with him...you know see what you feel, see what he feels.."

"Agh..boi.. I cherish the friendship...I don't wan to ruin it. And let's drop the topic we should actually run to physiology!" said Sabrina as she checked the watch

"You can run from a talk, but not from the feelings"

"Try me!"


After the classes Sabrina stayed in Uni to study a little bit, she found a quiet spot next to one of the lecture halls. She enjoyed the quietness, but it was too quiet so she put on her headphones.
After an hour or so, she felt a pat on a back.

''After all this time we meet again"smiled Lizzy-a friend from elementary school. She studied pharmacy and was very active in Student council, that's why seeing her was almost a miracle

"Ouuu my God!" said Sabrina as she hugged Lizzy "It's really been ages! How are you doing? How is University treating you? Ouuu and how is you and your boyfriend doing?"

"It's not easy, but I am pulling through! And my relationship..well..I am really happy with him, It really feels like he cares, it's nothing like my previous relationship"

"Aww, I am glad to hear that!" Sabrina knew Lizzy's ex-boyfriend and he really wasn't good with showing an effort, it was always Lizzy who tried and worked for things to work out.

"And how is your love life? I have heard that there is special boy in your life too" with a small smile said Lizzy

"How did you catch Nick? I barely get to see you" laughed Sabrina

"He often enough studies with his boy and we can share good gossip"

"Good gossip? How is that a good gossip? Like nothing is happening..." with a tone of annoyance said Sabrina

"But do you wish that something did happen?"

"I don't know..maybe. Let's drop the top..." Sabrina couldn't finish the sentence when she noticed Jackson walking towards her, but with a girl next to him and they were holding hands. Sabrina thought to herself "Well this definetaly makes things easier, he has a girlfriend so no need to think more.."

"Eyy! Earth to Sabrina!" Lizzy waved her hand before Sabrinas yess

"Aa sorry! Let's drop the topic, because now I know that there is no reason to think about it" she said and pointed to Jackson with his girlfriend and they were almost... Before Lizzy could turn around or reply
"Hey, Sabrina! Long time no see!" said Jackson with a bright smile, he let go of his girlfriends hand and leand in for a hug.

"Well we both are hard working students" she said as returning the hug "By the way meet my friend Lizzy! And Lizzy this is Jackson, I've mentioned him before"
Sabrina looked at her friend and a spark of understanding light up in her yess

"Nice to meet you!"said Lizzy with a smile "Sorry, that I can't chit-chat little longer, but I have to run to a meeting." She hugged Sabrina, gave another smile to Jackson and left

"So I've met your friend and now I want You to meet my girlfriend, Lexi!" Jackson gentley pushed Lexi so she would come closer to Sabrina

"It's nice to meet you!" Sabrina said as she held her hand for a handshake

Lexi smiled and returned the handshake "Jackson said that you are a dear friend of his and that I had to meet you"

"That's so sweet! I didn't know he had the sentiment" Sabrina made a small laugh. So Jackson mentioned her to his girlfriend, but he said nothing of Lexi before...

"Well you were one of the first people I met in university, so yes there is a bit of emotion coming in" Jackson also laughed. After a moment Lexi looked at Jackson with a look that said "we have to go" and Jackson nod at that

"I see you are studying, so we'll leave you in peace!" Jackson smiled, gave Sabrina another hug she smiled at him , then he grabbed Lexi's hand and left.

Sabrina decided that she also better go, because her mind wasn't in it for studying. She felt sad, she knew it was silly to feel sad...She and Jackson were friends, good friends and nothing more, but maybe part of her did want more...just that part was also very scared...horribly scared... and that fear made her feel even more sad

/ Hello there, I know that this chapter is rather short and it took a while for it to come out, but here it is! I hope you liked it! And I hope in the future it will take me less time to actually write something :D/

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