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today is Friday and i'm looking forward to this weekend.  i'm off sunday

my mom called and said she has to stay at my aunts a little longer. she cash app me 300 dollars. and yes i have spent almost all of that already.  i have 209 left.

i'm a hungry guy. and taco bell was looking mighty scrumptious everyday.

i couldn't stop thinking about Saturday. he reminds me so much of Taymor. but he claims he don't know him. maybe i'll ask Taymor when i see him. idk . that's if i see his bitch ass.

i just cannot believe he just up and disappear. he didn't let me know shit. fucking nincompoop. thats why i'm not with him. cause this that behavior that gets up hot upside the head

"you look real cute when you're focus" i jumped and look up. "very jumpy too" he said sitting down across from me.

i didn't say anything i just eyed him hard . he smirked, "hello nicolas" i rolled my eyes. "i told you to just call me Nahmir" i said closing my book giving him my full attention. "i don't want to. not if that's what everybody calls you" he said leaning back in the chair smirking.

i squinted my eyes. "i'm starting to think you're stalking me. not that that's a problem. it's only weird when the stalkers ugly and old... and perverted" i said shaking lightly rubbing my arms.

"you're always cold" he said looking at my body. i shook my shoulders "i have low iron" he frowned.

"i'm not even gone explain" i said rolling my eyes. i decided to change the topic. "what brings you to this shit place?" i asked referring to the coffee shop. i was on break so i decided to sit in the cafe area and read.

"i like the donuts here. my aun- i mean the manger recommended them to me years ago" he said. i gagged causing him to sit up quickly and eye me.

"her fat ass makes me sick. she always yelling ...nicolas stop. nicolas that isn't right. nicolas nicolas nicolas- gets on my damn nerves!" he laughed at me.

"i don't even want this damn job" i said honestly. he frowned again. "why not? quit then" he said. "i can't . i need this job-"

"i know you're not broke. living in that big ass house by yourself" i laughed rolling my eyes. "i'm not. but my mom wants me to go through the stage of feeling broke and not being spoon fed. which i have been my entire life. how do y'all do this shit?! my feet and back hurts. i've never sweated so much in my life. the thought of sleep gives me chills " he raised an eyebrow

"it's get worst . see this shirt.  i've had it on for almost 4 days now! i can't. i miss not waking up early on the weekends. those used to be my days. now i gotta come clean for fat ass and stank attitude" i said slouching more into the seat. he laughed at me.

"you'll be fine... trust me i know how you feel." he said. i sat up slightly. "how so?" he looked at me. "because-" his phone thens rings cutting him off. he looked at the caller ID, his face turned serious.

" i got to go" he said standing up. i frowned

nooo i like talking to him !

"ok" i said softly looking away. i then felt his finger under my chin pushing my head up to look at him.

"i'll see you later nicholas" he winked at me then stepped back leaving.


"NICK YOUR BREAK IS OVER. GET UP!" I gritted my teeth. i can't wait to earn enough money to fucking quit.

"i know that Angelo! no need to fucking yell!" i said getting up stuffing my book in my side bag

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