Kris Bryant - For Brooke

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Requested by fo_shizzo_bryzzo_ !!

Hope you enjoy :)

Brooke got ready for one of the biggest days of her life. It was November 2nd 2016. Game 7 of the World Series! Okay so... maybe it wasn't the most important day of HER life but it surly was for her husband. Kris Bryant, 3rd baseman for the Cubs, and Brooke have been married for five years and she never gets less nervous for important baseball games. There was however; something rather special about tonight wether they won or lost.

(Yea this is Javys wife but I love love love the idea of a jersey dress and this jacket! Just imagine this says Bryant 17 🤷🏻‍♀️)

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(Yea this is Javys wife but I love love love the idea of a jersey dress and this jacket! Just imagine this says Bryant 17 🤷🏻‍♀️)

Brooke sat nervously through the entire game. At times she couldn't even watch she was so nervous. The noise in Cleveland was deafening. On the last pitch she didn't really see anything other than Kris, Anthony and the ball. They won. The Cubs actually won the World Series! Brooke couldn't help herself, she burst into tears and jumped up. She couldn't believe what was happening and neither could anyone else there. This was going to make the news she had for Kris that much better.

—flash back 5 1/2 years. 6 months before they got married—

Kris came home from practice late. He'd really been putting in extra time. The draft was coming up soon and he was not going to waste any time before then. He quickly showered and climbed into bed with a waiting Brooke. "Hi baby. Thank you for waiting up for me" he said kissing her softly as he wrapped his hand around her waist and leaning over her.

Brooke smiles brightly "of course babe. I love getting to talk to you before bed. It's my favorite part of every day." She kissed him again, just glad that she was in his arms again.

"So Jake told everyone that him and Isabella are expecting a baby in a few months. Said it's a little girl" Kris smiles so brightly. He was so excited to have kids someday. He had tried to convince Brooke to have kids before he even proposed but after a long talk they realized they should probably wait until he was well established in his MLB career before they started adding to their clan. She also giggled and waved her ring finger around joking that there was no ring yet.

"Oh really? That's so exciting! I wanna go buy some baby clothes for Isabella! I should also talk to the wives and girlfriends about throwing a little shower for them" she said happily.

Kris beamed watching her talk about anything baby related "can't wait till we have our own little ones.." he said as he moved down a bit and kissed her belly "can't wait to see how beautiful you look while pregnant and gosh...I'm so so excited to see you be a mother. Rock our little one to sleep while you sing....see my family in the stands with my jersey on.. gosh can we just hurry life along a little bit" he pouted as he laid his head on her stomach. "I want lil babes with you." He looked cute when he pouted. Brooke tan her fingers through his hair "all in due time love bug...I promise I'll give you as many lil munchkins as you want someday." She smiled at him. She saw her whole future in his ocean eyes.

—current time—

She was an emotional wreck as she made her way, with her gift for Kris in hand, to the clubhouse. She knew there was going to be a celebration of monumental proportions down there. When she walked in the whole room was already soaked in beer and champagne and everyone was on top of the world. She located Kris and ran to him, jumping into his arms. He squeezed her and spun around "holy shit we did it." He whispered into her ear.

"You did it baby.. you threw the last out. I'm so so proud of you." She said pulling her head back from the crook of his back to look at him and kiss him. Once he put her down she stepped back a bit and handed him the small bag she had been nervously clutching for the last 4 hours. "For you baby" she smiled.

Kris took it "what is it?" He asked as he started to open it. She just nudged him along and grinned. He pulled a small jersey out that had a sonogram attached to it. The jersey was an exact replica of the one Kris had worn a few hours prior and the sonogram read "I love you daddy! Go Cubs Go!! Baby Bryant due May 2017" Kris gasped and for the hundredth time that night tears came to his eyes. " are you serious? Are you serious?? You better not be joking with me!" He said as more tears fell. Brooke nodded unable to speak as she had also started crying. Kris brought her into another hug that lifted her off the ground and spun her around. As soon as he put her down he lifted the small jersey into the air. At that everyone quieted down and Kris all but screamed "WE JUST WON THE WORLD SERIES AND IM GOING TO BE A DAD!!" The whole room erupted. The energy in there was astounding. Kris knelt onto one knee and rested his hands on Brooke's belly. He now noticed the faintest bump and kissed it. "Hi there little's your daddy and I cannot wait to meet you. You are already so so loved little one." He rested his forehead on hers like he had all those years ago. Tears raced down his face, mingling with the beer and sweat and champagne. Brooke ran her fingers through his hair and in that moment Kris thought that the world could not get any better. His life was absolutely perfect.

Ahhhh okay that was cute wow. I hope you liked it!!

Send me messages if you want your own imagine! Just tel me your players name, your name, and a lil info about the scenario you want!!

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