Nolan Arenado

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Nolan and Rachel have been married for 5 years and have just recently welcomed their perfect little angel Isabela Joy Arenado into the family. Nolan has always wanted a family and finally getting to welcome his little princess into the world has been a joy for him. He got to take a whole two weeks off of baseball which, during the season is something he has never gotten, to spend with Rachel and  their new bundle. At the end of his two weeks was a home stretch and they were so excited to introduce Isabela to the team.

Nolan, tho he missed Isabela, was glad to be back on the field. Baseball was what kept him sane. Rachel has also missed being at games and seeing her amazing husband on the field. She was excited to take Isabela to her first game. She was dressed in an adorable purple onesie that had Nolan's number on the front and said "Daddy's #1 Fan". She also had an adorable headband with a bow on. Isabela chose to sit in the box set aside for the wives and girlfriends rather than the stands tonight just to make sure she could leave when necessary to attend to Isabela.

Watching Nolan win his first game back in two weeks was exciting and Rachel was very excited to introduce Bela to all of her 'uncles'. After the game she made her way down to Nolan and the rest of the team. Nolan instantly took Isabela into his arms and kissed her forehead "hi baby girl. Daddy missed you today. Did you like seeing daddy play baseball?" He said, forgetting most of the world ex sister outside of his baby girl. Trevor Story and Charlie Blackmon were two of the first players to make their way over to Nolan. "Oh my gosh she's adorable. She has your nose Nolan!" Trevor said rather excited. Charlie grinned "gosh you're such a softie Nolan. She has you wrapped around her little finger already" he said resting a hand on his shoulder. Nolan laughed "hey look at her? She's the most perfect thing ever. Of course she has me wrapped around her finger." He said grinning.  Nolan leaned down and kissed Rachel "how was she during the game?" He asked smiling. "She actually did pretty well didn't really cry and she loveddd the attention from the other ladies." She smiled and rested a hand on Nolan's back. Nolan showed Isabela off to the rest of the guys before getting showered and changed.

Once home Nolan laid on the bed with Isabela between him and Rachel. "I'm so thankful for you and Isabela. You guys have given me an entirely new reason to wake up every day. You guys are my whole world." He said leaning across and kissing her.


This is for -mcmahon

**all of these are unedited Imagines. All players names and teams are true but everything else is fictional.

If you want an imagine just comment or message me!

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