Anthony Rizzo

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Uhm so this picture 🤤🤤


Brooke and Anthony has officially been married three weeks and had just gotten back from their honeymoon. They bought a house a month before the wedding so that the whole process would be done by the time they were back from their honeymoon and it would be move in ready.

All of the boxes have been brought inside and furniture covered in plastic and the painting had commenced. They were painting their bedroom first so it would be dry in a few days to start unpacking little by little. Anthony put paint on his hand and walked over and grabbed brooks butt to drag her into a kiss. While still holding her close he whispered "you have a hand print on your ass now baby". He grinned and walked back to his wall to keep painting as he giggled and Brooke groaned.

"Really baby? Paint prints on my ass?" She looked at him like he was a child. Anthony grinned and nodded "yup. My hand print looks nice on your ass" he said not looking over at her. She quietly painted her hand and walked over to him "two can play this game my friend" she said reaching around his torso and pressing her hand to the front of his shorts. She giggled and Anthony turned and grabbed her around her waist. "I will get you back for this!" He laughed and held her while she squirmed. He held her close and kissed her neck gently. "Mmm love you baby." Brooke smiled and closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck "I love you, too love bug." Anthony lifted her up and carried her to the living room rug that they had laid out. He laid her down and laid over her "can't believe we're finally here...I can't believe I got to marry someone as perfect as you." He whispered, kissing her again.

She ran her fingers through his hair. "Remember the first time we spent the night together? When we watched that movie and you just held me close....I'd finally found someone who made me unbelievably happy and I couldn't imagine my life being with anyone else." He smiled up at him and Anthony leaned into her touch "I knew the moment I met you I'd found my forever. You were the person I couldn't wait to come home to after road trips and eventually take with me on road trips. I still actually have a box of ticket stubs and souvenirs from all the fun things we did when you started joining me." He laughed a bit. Brooke looked at him fondly "really? Where is it? Can we go through it?" He asked, her interest peeked. He nodded and got up and went over and grabbed it before joining her on the ground again. She sat up and scooted close to him.

Anthony opened the box and pulled out a tour guide map to the city of Boston. "Boston was the first road trip you joined me on..." he said grinning. Brooke nodded "and on your day off I made you see as many historical locations as possible in one day." She said giggling and holding onto his arm. "Same story with New York City. I was sure my legs were going to fall off and I wasn't going to be able to play baseball anymore." He said smiling down at Brooke. Brooke just rolled her eyes "oh okay mr dramatic." She smiled and leaned up and kissed him again.

They sat there for over an hour looking at things from their past and reminiscing about the journey their relationship has been. "I wouldn't trade any of the ups and downs or long distances that we had to go through to get here." Brooke kisses Anthony's cheek and rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm so glad I found an amazing girl like you who, no matter what baseball has thrown at us, has stick by my side. You were what I never knew I needed but now I can't ever let you go." He stood up and helped her up before picking her up and walking to their bed. Brooke wrapped her arms and legs around him and kissed him softly as he walked.

They wanted to wait a few years for kids but hey...doesn't mean they can't practice right?


Soooooo sorry this took so long fo_shizzo_bryzzo_ !!!

Gunna get back into writing these!

**all imagines are unedited and fiction. Only true things are names and teams.

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