Josh Donaldson

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I know he's in an Athletics jersey in the pic but plays for the Braves now but this picture was so good I had to use it. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Cydney and Josh have been married for 2 years and in those two years have been trying to start a family. Just recently they found out that won't be possible naturally and it crushed them. In their heartbreak they decided that they would wait until the off season to start looking at their other options.

About a month after finding out they wouldn't be able to naturally create a family Cydney started feeling off. She felt nauseous most days and rather bloated. Pregnancy was the furthest thing from her mind so she decided to go to the doctor. To her surprise and excitement her doctor told her news she never through she'd hear...she was pregnant! She left that appointment with tears in her eyes but this time they were from joy not sadness. It was mid October and Josh was on the road. The Braves were in the last few weeks leading up to the World Series and Cydney knew now that everything was going to go perfectly. They were going to be champions and they were going to start their perfect little family.

Before game four of the World Series Cydney gathered the rest of Joshs teammates. "Okay I have amazing news which Josh doesn't know yet. He's going to be a dad!" She shared excitedly. The rest of the team was just as excited as she was, knowing how upset Josh had been just a month earlier when he thought this would never happen. "I have a tiny little jersey that says 'Donaldson' on it along with an itty bitty tee ball glove that says 'Baby Donaldson due June 2020' and I want your guys' help to surprise him when you guys win tonight. Cause I know you guys are going to win. I just know it" she said happily. The whole team agreed.


It was the bottom of the ninth the Braves and the Athletics, Joshs former team, were tied 4-4 and Josh was up to bat. The count was 3-2 and he knew he had one more chance to make it all count. He saw the fastball coming right for the middle and he swung. The ball flew until it could no longer be seen. Josh had hit the walk off home run for the Braves to sweet the World Series! The crowd erupted into cheers and Cydney erupted into tears. Josh made it to first base before his entire team was swarming him and celebrating. The Braves won the World Series in 4 games with a score of 6-4 in the last game. As the team celebrated family and friends were allowed to start making their way onto the field to join in on the celebrations. Cydney huffed Josh tightly and kissed him "baby! I'm so unbelievably proud of you" she said loudly to try and cut through the rest of the noise.

After a lot of celebrating on the field the manager, Brian, gathered everyone around. "I am so so unbelievably proud of all of you. You have no idea. This is such a well deserved title and I'm so thankful that I get to be a part of this. We have a special little gift for our team MVP, the guy who his the winning homer, Josh." He whole team cheered as Josh took the gift "how did y'all get a gift this quick? What's goin on here?" He said confused. He grabbed the small jersey out of the bag and looked at it. When the idea registered in his head he looked at Cydney who already had tears in her eyes. He grabbed the small mitt out and read it as well " baby are you serious?" Cydney nodded and the team erupted into cheers again "yeah're gunna be a daddy...I'm pregnant" she said as he swooped her into his arms. "This is the absolute greatest day of my life. World Series champ and I'm gunna be a dad." The whole team surrounded them in a giant group hug. Josh and Cydney has never been so grateful to have a huge extended family in this team.


This is for Bravesgirl20

Hope ya like it!

**these are all unedited MLB Imagines. Only true things are the players names and the teams they play for. All other information is purely fictional.

If you want an imagine just comment or message me!

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