Kris Bryant Pt 2

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Kris was so excited to buy things for the baby. Just over a week after he found out they already had amazon packages arriving that contained baby items. He had also created a folder on Pinterest trying to figure out how to decorate the nursery. Brooke found all of Kris' little antics cute. She was overjoyed that she'd found a husband who was so excited to do all of this rather than begrudging the extra work it all meant.
When Brooke was 22 weeks pregnant Kris was finally in the same room with her when the baby kicked. He put his hands on her belly and when he felt the tiny kick tears came to his eyes "hi there little's daddy. I love you so much and feeling you kick is so amazing. You're going to be the strongest little baby ever and I can't wait to meet you." He kissed her belly and smiled up at Brooke who was looking down at him with love in her eyes. "You're the most amazing man" she said reaching down to touch his face "I'm so thankful for you"

Kris was praying for a girl. He wanted a little princess to spoil! He already had a name picked out and everything. He didn't know why but he'd just always dreamed of having a little girl first. When it finally came time for the gender reveal it involved all of his teammates and their spouses at Wrigley. It was before a night game and everyone had agreed to come early and have a little party. Brooke stood ten feet back from home plate with a special baseball. As soon as she underhand threw it to Kris he hit it and color burst into the air. When pink powder filled the air Kris flipped the bat off to the side and ran up and hugged Brooke, lifting her off her feet and spinning her around. He kissed her deeply before smiling st everyone that was there "I cannot wait to meet our precious little baby." He set Brooke down and leaned down by her stomach like he did at least twice a day "hi there nugget...,or should I say Aria Lee Bryant"

Kris was about to board the bus to head to the airport. This would be just fine and dandy except for the fact that Brooke could have her baby any day now. Kris knew that she would call as soon as anything happened but still. He didn't want to leave her for fear of missing the birth of his daughter.

Two days into their two week road trip Brooke called Joe Maddon and let him know that she was going to the hospital to be induced at midnight and that Kris should probably be on a plane home after their afternoon game.

Joe didn't tell Kris until they were up 7-2 in the 9th. As soon as the words came out of Joes mouth Kris was running into the club house, showering and packing his things. He got in the car the team provided and let the driver get him to their airport. He couldn't stop pacing at the gate while waiting for his plane to take off. Tomorrow was the day! He was going to meet his baby!

As soon as the plane landed in Chicago at 11:30pm Kris was calling an Uber to the hospital. He would be meeting Brooke there. He texted Brooke "Hi love! Landed and in an Uber on my way to you!! I love you!"

15 hours. That's how long it took before things were progressing far enough along for Brooke to push. It was now 3 in the afternoon. Kris stood by the edge of the bed and held onto Brooke's hand and rested his free hand on her head. "You got this're doing so good" he said as she squeezed his hand. He pushed her hair back out of her face as she pushed again.

45 minutes of pushing later Kris and Brooke heard their little girl cry for the first time and tears instantly sprung in their eyes. "You've got a perfect little girl! Congratulations!" The doctor said as he held the crying newborn up for Brooke to see. "Would you like to cut the cord dad?" A nurse said to Kris, holding out the scissors. Kris nodded and cut between the clamps before the baby was laid on Brookes chest. Kris kisses Brookes forehead "baby she's so perfect"

A few hours after Arias birth the room was quite again with just the three of them. Brooke getting some much needed rest and Kris holding his daughter. "Hi baby girl... it's daddy. I'm so excited that I finally get to hold you in my arms and see your perfect little look so much like your mommy. She's absolutely beautiful and I know that you're going to be so so beautiful just like her. I've you so so much already it's crazy." He said as he kissed her forehead.

Two weeks after getting home Brooke walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower to see Kris asleep on the bed with Aria sleeping peacefully on his chest. Kris was an amazing father. He took all of the diaper changing shifts at night so that Brooke could get as much sleep as possible and he made sure to do everything he could to make things easier on her. Seeing him now, peacefully laying there with their daughter made her fall in love with her husband all over again.


Hope you enjoy fo_shizzo_bryzzo_ !!

Thank you for waiting so patiently!

-this is an unedited imagine. If you'd like your own just message me with your name, the player you want and a short scenario!

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