Tyler Naquin

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Tyler was disappointed in himself for the loss even if the loss wasn't his fault. This team was important to him as was their success. He feels like if maybe he would have tried a little harder maybe they could have won...

Fortunately for Tyler his best friend Abby was going to make him feel better about how the game ended. Abby had watched the game on tv and knew by the 7th inning that she needed to be at Tyler's house after the game with some food. Which is what brought them to now. Abby knocked on Tyler's door before just walking in. That was usually how they did things anymore. No need to wait for someone to answer anymore. As soon as Abby walked in and saw Tyler she could tell how upset he was. She set the food down and walked over and hugged him.

"Oh Tyler. I'm sorry that this was a season ending game... but there's next year right?" She said. She noted Tyler wasn't really reciprocating the hug and she backed up and looked at him. His face was unreadable "hey...it really is going to be okay Ty..."

Tyler looked at her and backed up "you don't know anything about baseball Abby. It's like you clearly don't care about me! No it's not okay. We lost the fucking game because of me! The least you could do is care enough to maybe come to a game instead of spout off some generic sympathy. You know what? Just leave please. I don't want you here." Abby was shocked. Tyler has never been mad at her before let alone making her leave his house like this. She bit her lip contemplating saying something. Instead she decided to just turn and leave his house. If he was going to be that mean to her she was just going to leave.

Abby drove home upset, tears running down her cheeks. She was just trying to make Tyler feel better. Why did he have to yell at her and make her leave like that? As soon as she got home she went inside and curled up on the couch and continued to cry. Tyler was her best friend and not only that...he was the love of her life and now he hated her.

Abby has no idea how much time has passed when she hears a knock on her door. She wants to ignore it but curiosity gets the best of her. She gets up and opens to door to see a wrecked Tyler standing in front of her. "Tyler...what are you doing here?" She asked quietly.

Tyler looked at her, sadness in his eyes "Abby...I'm so so sorry for the things I said earlier. I know you are just tying to help me and I know I let the loss and the end of the season get too my head way to much. Gosh I'm so sorry I yelled at you like that...please forgive me?" He asked, his voice full of sincerity.

Abby couldn't help for forgive him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly "Ty...of course I forgive you. and I'm sorry too, for not being there for your last game of the season. I'm sorry I let you down."

"Hey, it's okay....let's watch a movie and cuddle and make up for it okay?" He asked with a small smile. He knew this always fixed any issues they had.

Abby let him in and set up a movie for them to watch. Tyler sat on the couch and lifted the blanket for Abby to join him. After awhile tho Tyler was no longer paying attention to the movie. All he could think about was how in love with Abby he was.

Shifting a bit Tyler got Abbys attention. He looked down at her before cupping her cheek and leaning in to kiss her. To his surprise and delight, she kissed back. After a few gentle moments he pulled back and rested his forehead on hers "gosh you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" he said smiling.

Abby grinned "oh I think I do...because I've wanted that for a long time too. I love you Tyler."

"I love you, too, Abby."


Literally months and months and months later this is done? Whatttt? Sorry.

This is a fic for -lindor

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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