Chapter 32

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Lillian called an emergency meeting after what happened at Clark Solutions headquarters. Mr Clark was hurting inside, in his years as leader of Clark Solutions he never experienced what happened to his employees. Bill hitted two birds with one stone at the same time his employees and offices. Mr Clark thought of Jeff the pain he was going through at this dark moment.

Mr Clark arrived at office of Lillian Brown. He walked in the office and found Lillian and Detective Mack Williams seated.
He sat down near Mack.

"Sorry for calling you guys so late at night." Lillian said as she looks at Mr Clark.

"No worries." Mr Clark commented.

"How is your team holding up after what happened today?" Lillian asks in a concerned voice.

"Er, I have not seen them yet. I have been all over the place trying to do damage control. I am sure they're sad about what happened. This whole thing is heartbreaking."

"It really is heartbreaking. Bill has shown us that he will do anything to get back at us." Detective Mack stated.

"The reason for this meeting is for us to get a new way forward. By the way have you been found a new place for your team?"

"No, but I'm still looking for it."

"Don't stress. I spoke to my husband he has agreed to give you one of his properties to use in the meantime."

"That's great news. I was getting stressed out about that. Tell your husband I'm thankful for his help." Mr Clark said.

"I will tell him. Now gentlemen the KBL Group investigation." Lillian said as she take a sip on her tea cup.

"To add more bad news for us, the members of the KBL Group we arrested today are not cooperating with us. It's looks like Bill's men are willing to take the fall for him." Mack informed.

Lillian looked disappointed by those news.

"Damn it, this is really draining. So, we have nothing so far?" Lillian sighed in desperation.

"Yes, but we just have to increase the pressure with more raids." Mack replied.

"But the raids are not being helpful to us. Look, we raided his building and found drugs and weapons, but his men take the fall. We are just wasting time on with the raids." Lillian says in a defeated tone.

"I disagree Mrs Brown. This raids we do are disrupting his business. Look at the drugs we confiscated today, he loss a lot of money."

"Detective, that's not enough." Lillian said as looks at Mack.

"Yes, but in the long run it will be enough. For now let's hurt him financially."

"Financially?" Both Mr Clark and Lillian said.

"Yes, we must target his business, we take his drugs and demolish his stash houses." Detective Mack said with enthusiasm.

"I don't know about that." Lillian said as she stood up, she was toward the window. "What's your take on this Timothy?"

"I think it's a good idea. He has shown us how ruthless he can be. I think it time we stopped playing by the book. We need to be ruthless like him." Mr Clark said.

Detective Mack nodded his head in agreement.

"Okay, if you say so guys I'm in. Let's mess things up for Bill Stone." Lillian said.

Detective Mack and Mr Clark smiled after getting the go ahead from Lillian.


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