Chapter 43

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Five hours later, David walked in the Clark Solutions headquarters. He saw the mood was down.

"Er, what happening? Why are you all so silent today?" David asks as he sat near Benjamin.

"It Mack. He killed himself." Ralph replied.

David appears shocked by what he was being told.

"Oh my God, Mack committed suicide."

"And he was the mole all along." Benjamin said.

"What? How did you find out?"

"Cops found him at a house with the body of the undercover agent. Mack killed him then he killed himself, he left a suicide note saying he was the mole." Ralph informed.

"Mack was the mole, he was the one that was playing us." David said.

"Something in this whole thing doesn't make sense." Max looks suspicious.

"What do you mean?" Ralph asks.

"From what I could gather from the time I spent with him, he was good guy that hated corrupt cops. And to learn that he was in a corrupt cop. It just suspicion."

"But he left a note that is written in his hand writing that states he was the mole." Benjamin objected.

"No. I have a feeling that a third party was involved in the whole thing."

"Max, what are you on about?" Ralph asked.

"Remember we are dealing  with Bill, he can pull off anything. I think Bill killed Mack and turned this whole thing to brand Mack a mole."

"But the evidence is there in the note he wrote." David justified.

"What if he was forced to write this note. Mack was a..."

Benjamin cuts in. "You are in denial. Accept that your precious Mack was the mole, he betrayed us." Benjamin said with anger in his tone.

Max still maintained that Mack was never the mole but the rest of the men believed the note.


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