Chapter 50

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Jason was a happy man, he was set to finalize a new partnership with a new supplier. After having a hard time convincing  Bill that the new supplier is the best option for them. The meeting  was scheduled at a warehouse, Jason was standing with his men  near their car. Moments later two cars entered the warehouse. The door of the warehouse gets closed in a hurry.

The two cars pull over, two men got out of car of the first car, the second car the driver got out and went to open the passenger door. A man wearing casual clothes got out of the car, his fingers were filled with gold rings. Jason smiled when he saw the man.

"Ah, Rodriguez long time no see." Jason said as he walks toward the  man.

"Glad to see, Jason."

They shake hands.

Rodriguez spent years working for different drug cartels as a person who makes the drugs for them -  he saw an opportunity and started to own his drug business as he supplies his drugs to many cartels.

"I am happy about this meeting, it a historic day for us, we begin a partnership that will see both of us get richer and richer."

"I like the sound of that." Rodriguez said with a joyful tone.

"Oh, this is a big indeed and I hope our partnership would grow stronger."

"I hope so too, Jason. And more money more women." Rodriguez said as he chuckled.

"Amen to that brother."

"So, did you have a hard time convincing Bill about my proposal?"

"Yes, at first he was reluctant but I ended up getting him see that you're the best option for us."

"Good. He won't regret doing business with me, my stuff comes highly recommended." Rodriguez said confidently.

"Shall we get down to business."

"Sure." Rodriguez says as he signalled man who came with the briefcase. "This is the stuff I got for you, the rest is inside the car and you can take that car with you as my token of my appreciation."

Jason looked amazed by Rodriguez gesture.

"Thanks a lot, Rodriguez."

"No problem. It time I see the cash."

Jason signalled his men to bring the money, the men came with five briefcases. They opened them in front of Rodriguez.

"Now we are talking. I love the smell of money." Rodriguez said as he goes down and takes a stack of money and smells it. "Money, money, money. Is it all here?"

"Yes, just like we agreed  over the phone."

"I like you, Jason. You have proven me to be a man of your word." Rodriguez says as stoop up. He throws the car key of  the SUV to Jason who catches it.

"For the stuff inside." Rodriguez said as signals his men to take the briefcases. Rodriguez looks worried all of the sudden as he  listens attentively to the noise approaching.

"What's wrong? You looked worried." Jason asks.

"I hear something approaching us."

"I don't hear nothing." Jason says.

"Damn it! It a chopper. Did you tell anyone about this meeting?"

The sound of the chopper flying around the warehouse is being heard. Everyone inside panics.

Within a couple of seconds they was a loud explosion at the door, immediately armed police officers along with Mr Clark's men enter the warehouse.

"Damn it! You set me up." Rodriguez said in a frustrated voice.

"No, I didn't." Jason said as he looks confused by was happening.

"Hands in the air! Now!" The cops ordered as they point their guns at Jason's men and Rodriguez's men.

Rodriguez and his men surrender as they see they are outnumbered, Jason and his men follow as they raise their hands.

"You will pay for this, Jason." Rodriguez cursed.

"Cuff everyone here!" Max commanded as he looks at Jason.
"Bill can't help you now."

"You sound sure of that." Jason said as he's being cuffed.

"You're done, we caught right handed." Max says.

"Hey watch it, you're hurting me!" Rodriguez whines as he's being arrested.

"Shut up!" Benjamin comments as he stands near Rodriguez.

"Do you Know who I am huh? I will be out tomorrow. I have money and this is just a waste of time."

"Will see about that." Benjamin said mockingly.

The police arrest Rodriguez and his men along with Jason and his men. The police leave with them, while Mr Clark's men remain observing the crime scene with the other police officers.

"Look at this money, business is booming for them." Ralph says as he looks at the briefcases with money.

"Not for long. Now let's not waste time we still got Bill to catch before he runs away."

Max and his colleagues leave the warehouse in a hurry. They left the police to take the evidence.


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