Chapter 36

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Mr Clark was shocked seeing a body of a female in his car.

"What the.." Mr Clark said.

The police officer took of his gun and pointed it to Mr Clark.

"Raise your hands now!" The officer instructed Mr Clark.

"Listen, I don't know what this body is doing in my car." Mr Clark said as he raise his hands.

"I heard that before. You my friend are in big trouble."

Another police officer got out of the police car.

"What's going on here, partner?" The other police officer asks.

"This man has a body of a female in his car."

The other police officer looked at the body and shook his head.

"Man like you give us man a bad name. You are under arrest for murder." The other police officer said as he cuffs Mr Clark.

"No! This is a big mistake. I have been framed, I would never harm a woman." Mr Clark pleaded.

Mr Clark looks at the body carefully and he noticed that the woman in his boot. It was Helen Stone.

Mr Clark was taken to the police car. Mr Clark had a lots of thoughts as he thought could Bill frame him for murdering his daughter? Mr Clark sat there still shocked about what just happened to him.

Two hours late, Mr Clark was already on the news, some news outlets reported that Mr Clark killed Bill's daughter as revenge for the stuff her father did to him. This was a mess for Mr Clark's reputation. Mr Clark was being interrogated by the cops for a hour. Lillian came to his rescue. Lillian walked in the interrogation room.

"Timothy, how are you?" Lillian asks in concerned voice as she sat opposite Mr Clark.

"I am not okay. I really don't what's happening to me." Mr Clark sounded stressed out.

"Timothy, did you murder Bill's daughter?"

"Come on Lillian, I would never hurt a woman. This is a plan of Bill to make me pay."

"But would he go the distance to even kill his only daughter just to get at you?" Lillian asked sceptically.

Mr Clark could sense the look he was getting from Lillian that he did it.

"You think I murdered her?" Mr Clark asks as he looks her in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter what I think. I just need the truth from you."

"The truth is that I have been framed by Bill Stone." Mr Clark said.

"But can a parent murder his only child just to settle a score?"

"Lillian wake up! We are talking about Bill Stone here, he's a psychopath. Believe me I didn't do this."

"From were I'm seated things are not looking good for you. A body of a woman was found in your car and that woman's father is your enemy. It may seem you had a motive to do this."

Mr Clark sighed.

"Plus your interview with that news reporter after the fire, you made threats to Bill. Your threats might come back to hunt you in court." Lillian said as looks at Mr Clark.

"Damn him!" Mr Clark hissed as hit the table with his fist. "Bill has won again."

"Timothy, I believe you. I known you for a long time and you would never do such a thing. We will get through this." Lillian be said in a supportive tone as holds Mr Clark hand who looked worried.

Mr Clark nodded.


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