A grim in the field

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         Oscar walked out the door of the cabin and was greeted with cold air and snow to the face. He snuggled up to his big coat and walked out onto the porch. Oscar sighed as he looked over the snowy fields on his Aunt's farm. As he saw a grim coming out from the forest and walked onto the fields.

         " Ooooh no!!" Oscar cried as he grabbed a pitch fork and took off after the grim. The last time there was a grim it didn't end well.

         So what happened last time was that there was a grim that came on the farm and it killed 3 of the 9 cows and 5 of the 15 chickens. It also destroyed 40% of the fields. Oscar didn't want that to happen again.

         As Oscar ran the grim clasped on the ground in the snow. " Great. Now it'll be easier to take it out." Oscar thought to himself. But the closer Oscar got to the grim it started to look less grim and more.... human.

         Once Oscar got to the grim he discovered that the grim was not a grim at all! Instead it was a girl in a black dress and a red cape with a hood over her head. She looked about his age, maybe a little younger.

         " How long has she been out here?" Oscar wondered

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         " How long has she been out here?" Oscar wondered. He stared down at her in concern. " I need to help her before she gets a frost bite or worst...... hypothermia!" Oscar picked her up bridal style and as he did so the girl's hood fell off her head and reviled her short black hair with red highlights kissing the tips of her hair. What she also has was big wolf ears. " She's a faunus?" Oscar asked himself even though it was pretty obvious that she is. The more he looked at her the more he realized that she looked really, really, REALLY cute.

         Oscar blushed and shakes his head and looked back down at her. " She needs help." And with that he took off towards the cabin. He quickly ran into the cabin. Once inside Oscar ran into his Aunt Emily. She looked at her nephew and then the girl in his arms.

          " Who is she?" Aunt Emily questioned. " And what the hech happened?" 

         " I found her passed out in the fields." Oscar explains.

         " Well come on now. Let's get her warmed up." Aunt Emily said while guiding him to the guest room. Once they got there Oscar set the girl on the bed and put a blanket over her and quietly left the room.

 Once they got there Oscar set the girl on the bed and put a blanket over her and quietly left the room

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 AN: Thank so much for reading! The next chapter will be coming soon.

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