Chapter 5

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Stuck in detention wasn't exactly how Alice planned on spending her Saturday, but she was the one who decided to fight Penelope so she had nobody to blame but herself at the end of the day, she just felt guilty about getting Hermione into this mess.

She was sat at the window sill carving her initials into it and watched as everybody in the room looked as if they wanted to blow their brains out, well everybody hit FP, who hadn't even turned up yet.

"Dude, can you not?!" Free begged as the sound of the carving knife drove him nuts

"Dude" She mimicked. "Can you bite me?"

She ignored his plea and continued, earning an unimpressed eye roll from the Bulldog.

Her carving was interrupted at the sound of FP's voice at the door.

"Hey!" He whispered towards Fred. "Featherhead show up yet?"

"Nope, your ass is lucky he's late."

He looked down the hall before walking into the room towards Gladys' desk, kissing her lips before sitting down, grossing Alice out at the same time. She'd puke if she hadn't already done it twice this morning.

"Where the hell were you?" Gladys questions him.

"To your seat, Jones." A male voice bellowed as he entered the room

FP found a chair in the third row, not too far from where Alice was sat.

"You too, Miss Smith." Featherhead added.

He approached the desk by the board and rested his hands upon it

"Welcome, to Saturday detention. You're here to reflect on your callous and stupid actions earlier this week. While you are here, there will be no talking, no eating, no playing music. You are to write a 1000 word paper reflecting on your actions and absolutely nobody is to leave here until 5 o clock."

"What if we have to pee?" Hermione asked shyly

"Use the bathroom on the H corridor." He finished before exiting the room, leaving all six teens alone with nothing but each other for entertainment.

Hour upon hour goes by, and the teens find themselves more bored than ever, half of them are asleep and the other half are just fidgeting with whatever items they had nearest to them.

They were all beginning to regret their antics, it definitely wasn't worth being stuck in their dreary and cold geography classroom staring at the falling rain outside when instead they could be at home watching television, shopping, dining at Pops or hanging out at the park.

Not being able to take the awkward silence anymore, Fred finally spoke.

"Is anybody planning on actually doing the paper?"

"No!" They all day in unison, with the exception of Hermione who practically cheered yes, earning a smile from Fred, who looked back at her. She locked eyes with him and grinned nervously.

"Well, seeing as we need to kill time, how about a game of secrets and sins?" Gladys giddily suggests. She was always in the mood for drama, and with six teens trapped in a room and no other form of entertainment, it was the perfect opportunity for them to spill their guts.

Alice gave the brunette an unimpressed look before rolling her eyes and moving her head back and running her hand over her face. "This isn't middle school Gladys."

"Fine, sit there in the corner and stay bored."

With that, Alice reluctantly gave in and sat down in the circle with the rest of them.

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