14. Fall behind and perish

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If my kind ever came against these wolves, they would die.

Werewolves surely had the numbers for an army, especially if the packs came together as one. But if my kind ever came for them, these fools would be nothing.

I felt outraged as I watched them spar with one another. They were fit it seemed, but predictable. And slow. Far too slow. Even Reed, sparring with some towering mass in the middle of the arena, surrounded by dozens pairs of fighting forms. All were in human form now after having sparred as wolves, which was equally unimpressive.

I couldn't understand why it upset me so much. But it was like watching dead bodies pulled by strings. If any of them ever faced a true contender they would die. It was a miracle they were still alive. Even worse, Reed had bragged about this pack being the best.

Best at being delusional perhaps.

I was furious as I watched mistake after mistake. They were so sloppy, not blocking as they should, the other waiting for them. Like some unseen rule book about fighting etiquette. It was polite. I mused about how easy it would be for me to bring all of them to the ground in a matter of minutes. All of them fighting one-on-one, like every fighter they would ever face would have the humanity to watch and wait their turn. Oh I'm sure I would take more than a few hits, but I would walk away and they would not.

They took no opportunities when presented. No risk. They were afraid to move first. Afraid of offense. Slow to defend. No instinct for the other's movement. Each mistake marked a tally in my mind of a life lost.

As soon as Reed was done he called time for everyone to get water, another thing I disagreed with. If they are thirsty then they wait until they win. Winning means survival. Survival means drinking. None of this take a break you look tired nonsense.

Reed approached, his hair soaked and beads dripping down his shirtless body. He was...appealing. I pushed the thought away as he drew close. The bond wrapping around me in a vise, making it harder to breath.

"So what do you think? These are some of our best males."

I struggled to rein in my temper. "They have new skills to learn. I watch today, and I will fight them tomorrow."

He whined, "Aw come on. Why not?"

I ground my teeth. "If I fight them now, they will say it is because I am not winded as they are. I will watch and nothing more. I want to fully observe them first."

"Well when you put it that way..." he beamed, "I'm sure all of them are happy to have you observing them."

I raised my eyebrow. "What?"

"Oh come on. You have to see how they are all drooling after you right now. The most powerful female they've ever seen."

I scoffed, "They do not posture intent."

"Posture intent?"

"Intent to court or mate."

He started laughing, so hard he grabbed his knees. He was making an odd sort of seal noise, one that brought out my ghost of a smile. I'd never heard anything like that. He was gasping between each noise.

"You...you are like an alien I swear." He chuckled before laughing again. Ork.Ork. "Is that... you were really serious."

I placed my hands on my hips, pursing. "Animals speak with their bodies and few words. Yes I am serious."

"Hey I'm not trying to offend or anything, its just like... we aren't really that way. I mean Logan said it was different for-" he stopped. "You. But werewolves act more like human monarchies than wolf hierarchies you know?"

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