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Hi everyone! I've been wanting to write a manthony fic for a while now and I decided finally to! I've written fanfiction before (other fandoms) but this is my first ca one. I tried my best to get everyone accurate and as well as I can so please let me know how you feel about this!! Too wordy? Too long? Too short? Anyways hope you enjoy :)

(Italic text is a flashback)

Mitchel POV: March 04 (current)

The sun was setting over the ocean as I looked out the large wall window, painting the ocean a light orange color that glowed. The waves were quiet but loud enough to hear with an open window. They crashed, the sound soothing me, the smell of the ocean water calming me.
I got up with my bottle of beer in one hand and my phone in the other, and walked out to the hotel deck. The waves getting slightly louder, the sound and scene were comforting.
I sat on the wooden chair that was right next to the railing.

"I think he likes you..." Clinton's voice echoed.

"Of course he likes me," I chuckled. "He's my best friend, I like him too."

"No, I mean, likes you likes you," he explained in a whisper, like he was almost scared someone could hear him.

They stood in the recording booth, just finished recording a new and Christian had left to the bathroom.

"What do you mean?" I laughed. Clinton making no sense once again.

"You fucking idiot. Kras, Christian, likes you, really likes you. Gay lover kinda likes you."

I sighed at the memory. Fucking confused. I just wish I had a cigarette but I was out and the store was too far.

"Babe!" Jordan shouted as the door clicked shut. "I'm back!"

I turned around, looking in the open door window. Jordan placed the paper grocery bags on the kitchen counter and started walking towards me.

"Hey," I said in a raspy voice. "Did you get cigarettes?"

"Oh shit, I'm sorry, Mitty, I forgot," she said apologetically.

Jordan walked up to me, she was wearing a nice pair of ripped blue jeans and a white T shirt, she looked good, she always did.

My face fell but I tried not to show it. "It's alright."

She nodded and sat down on my lap, wrapping my hands around her and buried my nose in her hair that lightly smelled like the cheap hotel shampoo, I didn't mind it though.

"Thank you for coming on this vacation with me. This is good for both of us, we've both been so stressed lately..." Jordan trailed.

I faked a smile and nodded. I hugged her tighter, closing my eyes but I found myself pretending she was someone else, which to be honest felt fucking wrong. I shouldn't be imagining my best friends in my arms while my girlfriend is actually there...

I sighed, closing my eyes and decided maybe relaxing and pretending was the only thing I could do right now. Even if it wasn't right.

I laughed nervously. Clinton had to be lying, right? He had to be kidding me. "Why do you think that?"

"I don't know, okay? I just... he to- I mean, I just think he does. You should talk," Clinton explained, stuttering.

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