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Mitchel POV: March 31 (current)

The blaring sound of my alarm came from my phone suddenly waking kras and I up.

"Ah, shit, turn it off," Christian complained loudly as he flipped onto his stomach yet his arm was still around my waist.

"Mkay," I mumbled sleepily and crawled over Kras for my phone that stood on the nightstand.

"Ow..." he let out as my whole body completely crushed his back.

"Sorry," I breathed and turned off the alarm. "We gotta get up..."

"What time is it?"

"8:00 PM, we need to get ready for the thing," I groaned settling back into my spot. Christian's arm found its way back to my waist unconsciously.

"Fuck, how long were we asleep for?"

"Uhmm, I think like 8 hours..."

"Oh god, we gotta wear a suit," Kras groaned, slowly rolling out the bed. "I fucking hate suits."

"Same here, wasn't my idea," I tell him.

I look up and see him in his boxers in front of me as he reaches down for his pants that were thrown on the floor.

My breath quickened at the sight but I quickly looked down at the sheets. These few minutes felt so normal, like the old times where we'd sleep in each other's beds. Yet now, it started getting awkward again as we both awakened and the sight of him half naked definitely didn't help.

I cleared my throat. "I guess I should get up now too..."

He nods as he finished dressing. "I'm gonna go have a snack. Um... thanks for... you know."

I nod and he floods the room.

I groan loudly and roll onto my back, staring at the ceiling. Why did this all have to be so complicated...


"I fucking hate this," Christian complained out loud as we stood backstage.

"What? Us being invited to a super fancy event that's actually good for our careers by the people who helped us build it?" Clinton rolled his eyes.

I let out a chuckle. We were backstage waiting to be called by Joel and Benji. The stage stood outside, very much like warped tour surprisingly, even the temperature outside matched though it was a bit chillier since the sun was starting to set. Palm trees were in the background and fairy lights surrounded the large rectangular pool that was far behind the stage. It was fancy yet still remained casual.

Kras paced from side to side. "This suit is making me hot."

"It's because you're nervous, stop fidgeting," Pat told him.

Christian just looked at him and then went back to pacing.

"What are you so nervous about?" Clinton asked out of nowhere. "We've performed a million times, it'll be fine."

Christian also didn't respond this time but threw a glance at me.

My eyes met his and I couldn't help but feel nervous at the sight of him. He looked amazing. He hated suits, like me, but he could really pull it off, really. It was quite simple, black dress pants with a black belt, a white button up that was open at the top of his chest, and a black jacket, yet he stood out from everyone.

"Alright, boys," some guy told us, coming out from the stage. "It's time."

We nodded and walked on stage to a surprising amount of people clapping for us.

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