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Mitchel POV: March 12 (current)

A soft groan causes me to open my eyes open. The room was still dark, the sun rising. I never wake up this early, usually I catch myself going to bed at this hour. Going to bed that late fucks with your mentality but I just can't help it.

Yet last night I ended up asleep by 11PM. The reason I'm up at sunrise.

"Mitchel..." I hear quietly. "Sleep."

I turn my other side to see Christian on his stomach, eyes half closed.

"It's still dark. Go back to sleep," he mumbles.

"Technically the sun is rising," I say.

He lets out a small chuckle. "Don't be a smartass, just sleep."

"Can't," I shrug. "I got like what? Eight hours of sleep? That's good for me, great actually."

"How did you end up here anyway?"

"Oh sorry, Alexa and Jordan were in my bed and Clinton's had jesse in it, so..." I explain nervously.

"Oh. I don't mind it," Kras smiles softly. "It's nice to have someone next to me."

I nod. "I sleep better when I'm with you."

"You can come whenever you want, you know... I don't mind, really. Except when Alexa is here. She probably won't want you in my bed when she's in it too."

"Yeah, I get that," I sigh.

I have to ask about Alexa, I have to.

"So... Alexa?" I ask quietly.

He nods. "She wanted to get back together and I guess I agreed... I don't know. Were we good together?"

"I... I can't say, Christian. Sure. She's nice, I like her," I lie.

"Good," he smiles. "Sleep?"

"You really want to sleep?" I sigh yet I can't help but smile at his soft tired expression.

"Yes. Please?"

"Fine," I say cuddling right next him.

"Just sleep," Christian whispers as I slowly feel my eyes shut.


"Mitchel! Wake up!" I hear as a pillow hits my face. "You've been sleeping for way too fucking long!"

"Oi!" I say, removing the pillow from my face. "What?"

Jordan grunted. "It's like 12PM! I need a ride home and I don't want an Uber when I live like five minutes away!"

"Walk maybe?" I suggested.

"You have got to be kidding me, Mitchel!" She said. "I'm not about to walk with my suitcases in that heat! Clinton is in the studio and Christian is I don't know where!"

"Where is Christian?" I ask as I look around the room and the empty spot next to me.

"I don't know! But Mitchel, that's not the point! I need a ride, so get your ass up," Jordan commands. "I'll be back in ten minutes. You better be ready."

She leaves the room and I let out a heavy sigh. Where is Christian? I wonder.

I glance at the clock. It really is 12PM... I can't believe I slept this much, but I guess that means I really needed it.

I throw on Christian's parental advisory hoodie. I've stolen Clinton's shirts before, I'm sure Kras won't mind... it smells like him of course, just like his sheets.

My reflection catches my eye as I prepare to leave the room, I look dead, literally. I reach to my head to fix my hair.

"God, I look like shit," I mumble to myself.

"You look good, Mitty."

"Fuck!" I yelp. "You scared me... don't sneak up on people like that..."

"Sorry," Kras laughs. "You're in my room technically, you know?"

I look at him. "Oh, yeah."

"You were really out for a good while for someone who said he wasn't tired," Kras jokes.

"Yeah, I guess I was tired. Thanks for letting me sleep in," I say. "Only if Jordan wouldn't have woken me up..."

"Did she?"

"She did," I tell him. "She wants a ride home."

He frowns. "She lives like five minutes away."

"I know, yet she wants a ride," I explained. "Anyways, I should probably go before she kicks my ass."

Christian chuckles and nods.

"Oh wait," he says as I'm about to step out his door. "I almost forgot."

"Forgot what?" I say confused.

He walks across the room to a small bag that sat by the window. "Here."

"A bag?" I ask as he walks up to me.

"No, well yes? Your chain came off and broke somehow last night. I found it as I was getting up and well, I know you don't like walking around without one so I got you a new one while you were sleeping. It's not the one you had cause I didn't really know where you got yours but it's the same as mine, and I know you liked mine, so now we match."

My hand reaches to my neck to feel around, no chain.

"Oh," I say, my eyes fluttering.

His face drops. "I'm sorry if you don't like it... I kept your old one if you want to get it fixed though!"

"No, no, no... I love it," I say taking the new chain out the bag.

"I know it's nothing special, it's pretty small and basic, but it's practical and well I guess I like it."

"Thank you," I mumble out. "I love it. I never even liked my old one, and this one is special..."

Christian smiled widely. "Good, good. We match now... you know the manthony fans are gonna go crazy."

"Oh they will," I laugh nervously, hoping he can't tell I'm shaking. "Help me put it on?"

"Of course, mate."

Christian takes the chain from my shaky hands and clips it open. He steps closer to me, our faces almost touching. I can feel my breaths getting shakier but so are his.

His warm breathe hits my cheek causing me to shiver. He turns his slightly and our lips just barely touch.

"For fuck's sake, Mitchel!" Jordan yells barging in Kras's room. "I don't have all day! I got a photo shoot in an hour!"

"Oh!" Christian says stepping back from me, the chain still in his shaky fingers.

"What are you two doing?" She asks, taking in the scene she just walked onto.

"K- Kras was ju- just helping me put this chain he got for me- me on," I stutter.

"Oh," Jordan simply said. "Anyway, lets go! You're clearly ready!"

"Yeah, yeah," I stutter once again. She clearly didn't take what just happened seriously at all.

"Here," Christian says anxiously, quickly clipping the chain around my neck.

"Thanks," I say as I make my way out with Jordan. "Later?"

He nods. "Yes."

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