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Just wanted to hop on before this chapter begins and say thank you for all the nice comments you all leave <3 enjoy!

Christian POV: April 1 (current)

"I think some more reverb would make it sound better," Mitchel told Clinton as he edited the vocals of one of the songs we were working on.

"I'll try it," Clinton said and messed around with the effects.

"How many songs do I have left?" I asked, walking out the recording booth with a pair of headphones in my hand.

"Two more, Kras," Mitchel smiled up at me from his chair.

I couldn't help but return a smile back to him even though I was exhausted.

We got home last night at 2AM after a part of the PCH was closed down. The exact part that we needed to take to get back home.

Mitchel slept in the car on my shoulder but I found it too difficult to, especially when Jesse wouldn't stop talking. I was glad Mitchel slept through it all though.

We haven't spoken yet, but somehow it just wasn't awkward at all. Things finally started feeling right. Almost like maybe they were finally falling into place. We definitely needed to talk though, I knew it, but for now it could wait.

"Not two," Clinton cut off. "We still need your background vocals on all of them, and you too Mitchel."

"Alright, I see you're sending me back in," I said, throwing the headphones back on.

"I never existed, Christian," Clinton yelled in hope I would be able to hear him from inside the booth.

I threw up my hand in signal I got it and started singing my verse.

After 'I never existed' I followed with 'phases' and then lastly did some background vocals.

We finished at about 5PM after working for hours but we were finally almost done. Phases now was almost ready to be released. Clinton called Madden and told them we needed one more day in the studio to finish everything up, so we got the next day in the studio booked for us.

I got up from my bed after taking nap for about two hours and decided to go to Mitchel's room, maybe to talk.

"Hey, Mitchel," I said loudly as I knocked on his door which usually I wouldn't really do, I'd barge in his room the same way he would into mine just to annoy him.

"Just a second!" I heard his voice from behind the door, then what sounded like another person's voice, a girl's voice?

I took a deep breath, almost scared of what was behind the door.

"Actually, never mind!" I yelled cringing and turned to my room.

"Wait!" I suddenly heard his voice echo and the sound of an opening door. "Sorry, I was on the phone..."

"Oh..." I smiled slightly in relief.

"Uh, come in," he smiled and opened the door all the way.

I nodded, walking in and sitting on his bed as he closed the door and did the same.

Mitchel laid back down and looked up at the ceiling. "I never realized there were stars on the ceiling..."

"What?" I asked in confusion at his sudden comment.

"You know," he smiled. "The starts on the ceiling, those glow in the dark things. Whoever lived here before must have forgotten to take them off..."

I was still confused at what the stars had to do with anything but I laid down next to him the exact same way and looked up at the ceiling.

Suddenly I noticed the little stars that covered his whole ceiling, they barely glowed but it was just enough to notice when looking straight at them.

"Oh wow..." I murmured out.

"We've been living here for months and I just noticed. Had to put on my glasses on first though," Mitchel joked.

I let out a chuckle. "Kinda jealous you got stars on your ceiling and I don't."

"More reasons for you to sleep in my bed," he commented, then his face reddened at the realization of what he had just said.

I laughed but couldn't help but secretly agree. One more reason added to the already far too long list of why I should sleep in his bed.

We laid in comfortable silence next to each other, simply breathing together and watching the 'stars'. I could do this forever...

"I was talking to Jordan earlier," Mitchel suddenly mumbled out. "On the phone, I mean."

"Oh..." I said, clueless of how to react. She was his girlfriend after all, what did I expect?

"I was about to tell her I wanted..." he trailed with a deep breath. "I wanted us to break up."

My heart stopped, yet I didn't say a thing.

"I was going to tell her I kissed someone else, that I have feelings for someone else, but then you knocked and I panicked... so I didn't end up telling her, I just said I had to go and it could wait," he whispered in a shaky voice. "Which it can't..."

I didn't know how to react. A part of me was screaming in happiness, while the other was terrified and was speechless.

"I think ending it on a phone call is too cruel though... I think I'm gonna go to her apartment a bit later... it can't wait."

The realization that I was in the exact same position as him finally hit me. I wasn't single too. Maybe it was time for me to finish it off too...

I let my hand drop from my thigh to the soft bed sheets, close to where his hand sat. Still with us both looking up at the glowing green stars, I moved my hand towards his.

I softly placed my hand on his and took it in mine, my breath shaking as his breath quickened and his eyes blinking yet still looking up.

With the 'stars' above us and the world confusing us, all I could do was hold his hand and hope for the best.

Hope that non of it was a mistake.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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