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Christian POV: March 31 (current)

"Fuck off!" Jesse yelled at Mitchel as he turned to face the back of the car.

Mitchel giggled and went back to kicking Jesse's seat.

"Mitchel! I swear to god you fucking asshole, if you don't fucking stop right fucking now!" Jesse yelled as Clinton rolled his eyes.

"You kiss your mum with that mouth?" Mitty laughed once again.

God I loved his laugh, I couldn't stop smiling.

"You know, I should've just left with Pat, he's real lucky Bailey picked him up. I could be in a peaceful car right now driven by Bailey, who's a real good driver according to Pat, without you two distracting me from the road every five seconds," Clinton complained while keeping his eyes on the road. "We missed our ride home cause we were too busy swimming and now my car is soaking wet because we have no towels, how fucking great."

The car filled with complete silence, no one saying a word.

"At least say thank you I had to pick up Jesse and Pat so that's the only reason your car was ever at that event..." Mitchel quietly mumbled.

Clinton mumbled something to himself with an eye roll but kept his eyes on the road despite that.

The car started filling with awkward silence once again causing Jesse to turn up the radio. A shitty top 40 song filled the silence but it helped.

Mitchel softly hummed to the song as his still wet braids covered his face.

I couldn't help but look at him staring out the window with the corner of my eye. His pants wrinkled from laying on the ground and his white button up half open all wrinkled up, kind of looking like some runaway groom.

I was sure I looked the same, we all did, yet his beauty was unmatched.

"Oi, can we stop at some petrol station I gotta pee," Jesse said out of nowhere.

Clinton looked at his phone that showed we still had about 30 minutes until we'd be home. "Sure."

Jesse nodded and leaned back on his seat that minutes ago Mitchel had kicked non stop. That simple memory made me smile like a complete idiot.

I turned slightly towards Mitchel, who's eyes were now shut, his head slowly falling toward me. It was getting late, not too late really though, only about midnight. He was probably tired from all the swimming we've done, I was too.

His head started falling down more and more which caused me to scoot over to him and let it fall on my shoulder.

Mitchel softly hummed as his head landed on my shoulder, his braids leaving wet stains on my white shirt, I didn't mind.

"We're here," Clinton simply said as he parked at the 7/11.

"Anyone going with me?" Jesse asked, unbuckling.

"I'm good," I whispered. "I think Mitchel is too."

Jesse turned to look at me noticing Mitchel sleeping and nodded.

"I'll go too," Clinton said. "I'll get us a snack or something, I'm starving."

I nodded and they both left the car to the petrol station.

I kept my eyes on the window, watching cars drive by in the complete darkness as Mitchel slightly moved his head on my shoulder.

After we kissed and I told him I think I feel the same way he simply smiled and we swam back to the boys together. We just simply left it at that, I guess we both understood that it wasn't the right time to talk. Things felt kind of normal, almost like we solved it all, though it was really just ignorance turning to bliss. Ignorance of the fact that so much goes into us liking each other, really liking each other. For now, for now it could be bliss.

"Mhm..." Mitchel mumbled with his eyes closed. "Christian..."

I looked down at him and realized he was asleep, dreaming.

"Please, stay..." he mumbled and turned.

"I'm here, Mitty," I whispered, taking his hand in mine.

His eyes started fluttering open. "Oh shit, I fell asleep, didn't I?"

"Oh, it's alright," I assured him as he slowly raised his head from my shoulder. "Clinton and Jesse went into the petrol station, they'll be back soon."

"Mhm, sorry," Mitchel whispered tiredly. "That swim really wore me out."

I let out a chuckle. "Yeah, me too."

"We'll be home soon," I added. "Like 20 to 30 minutes."

He nodded with a smile and looked down to where his head was seconds ago. "Fuck, your shirt is wet from my braids."

I touched my shoulder and realized the fabric was soaked. "Hated it anyway."

He smiled at my carelessness, making it impossible for me not to smile in response.

"You can go back to sleep, you know," I said patting my shoulder. "Though it's real wet..."

"My bad," he joked yet put his head right back, then turned to face me.

He huddled his knees to his chest and leaned even more into my wrinkled, wet shirt.

I breathed in deeply, trying to spot his scent over the strong chlorine leftover from the pool.

Mitchel's face started moving up towards mine. Finally, now, his face right next to mine, I could smell his comforting scent.

I wasn't quite even sure what it was. Cologne? Shampoo? Laundry? I didn't know. All I knew is that it was one of my favorite things in this whole world.

I couldn't help but smile softly at his beautiful eyes.

His beautiful questioning eyes. I could tell he was asking me if it was okay. If it was okay to be this close to me, if it was okay to be this drawn to me.

My eyes gave him back a simple 'yes' and that was all he needed.

His lips softly captured mine, his hand traveling from my chest up to my jaw.

I could feel my hands slowly moving up too, to his neck, pulling him closer to me, as close as possible.

Desire built up in my chest as his tongue entered my mouth. The kiss that moments ago started out as soft and innocent now became rougher and rougher by the second.

He was in charge now, kissing me harder and harder.

I needed to take over, so my hand tightened around his neck while making sure I don't completely choke him. I could feel him give himself over to me, finally.

My tongue took over and his hands made their way up to my hair, pulling at it softly yet desperately while moans left his mouth.

I let go of his neck and let my hand wander to his wet braids, grabbing ahold of them.

Slowly as we started both begging for air I released his lips and let my mouth travel down to his jaw with a groan.

His pulse quickened and he was left more and more breathless as my lips traveled lower and lower to his neck, making sure no skin was left untouched.

I could feel his hand grab a handful of my blonde hair, tugging on it as I kept traveling down.

I placed a messy kiss on his collarbone and kissed my way back up to his panting lips, placing mine on them again.

Our lips meshed until I pulled back for a breath, panting.

He was panting too, his face right in front of mine and his body almost straddling mine.

We sat in silence, not moving even a tiny bit, but his eyes said it all to me. With his swollen lips and rose coloured cheeks, his eyes spoke.

I blinked a couple of times as he smiled shyly, clearly enjoying what just happened as much as I did.

Mitchel turned and sat right back into his seat without looking at me, yet confusion didn't even hit.

It was almost like we both finally were completely okay with what just happened.

And somehow that was everything to me.

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