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Hi🥺 I know it's been a while, I was on vacation and then I had to stay longer cause flights got delayed and then school was a mess lol. I'm back now! I actually am really enjoying writing this so here's chapter 11! Hope you like it.

Mitchel POV: March 31 (current)

I rolled from side to side in my bed and sighed heavily but closed my eyes in attempt to sleep.

"Mitchel stop moving so much, I'm trying to sleep," Jordan groaned behind me.

My eyes suddenly open remembering she's in bed with me. "Sorry..."

She doesn't reply, probably already asleep.

I open my eyes in defeat and tap my phone screen to see what time it is.

4:18 AM

I groan quietly. Jordan and I were out until 3 at one of her friends birthday party that I didn't even know or wanted to go to. I went just cause Jordan needed me there, at least that's what she told me. I have stayed out way later than that before though, it's just that I had better company with me. Christian...

I shook my head at his name. We've still been avoiding each other. It has gotten less awkward since I guess at this point all we're doing is pretending it never happened. But it did, that's the thing, it did happen.

I sighed and carefully got up, deciding to get myself a cup of water.

I made my way to the kitchen and found an open water bottle, probably wasn't mine, but did it really matter?

"Hey," I heard a voice to the right of me as I forced down the water.

I stop before I choke on it. "Kras..."

"Why are you up?" He simply asks me.

"Me and Jordan were out till 3 and now I can't sleep," I told him. "Why are you up?"

Christian gave me a blank look. "Same thing, can't sleep."

"Is everything okay?" I ask hesitantly.

"I don't know."

The look on his face almost tells me everything I need to know. He's thinking about it too. The kiss.

"Are we okay, Mitty?" He asked me with a serious face.

I don't know how to reply, I just blankly stare at him.

"I miss you, you know?" Christian says before walking away, leaving me completely speechless.

I miss him too...

I miss being able to tell him everything. Confiding in him. Getting drunk with him. Cuddling with him. Driving around with him. Making music with him. Quickly kissing him like it meant nothing.  Being his best friend. I miss it. I miss when everything was normal and life wasn't such a mess.

I put the bottle back in it's place and went back to my room to try to sleep.


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