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As the day progressed, Felix was getting much more hungry.

"You have to slim down. Don't be weak!"
He thought to himself as dance practice went on.


"Lix dinner's ready"

"I-I kinda have a stomachache so I'm just gonna lay down." He lied straight through his teeth.

"Okay bud."

Minho closed the door and left Felix to his thoughts.

(Italics is kind of a voice in his head and he doesn't talk back out loud)

"You're worthless"
"I know"
"They'd be better off without you"
"I bet"
"Then why are you still here? You're only dragging them down"
"B-but Changbin hyung-"
"He lied to you Felix. They don't care about you. Why do you think they haven't noticed what you're doing yet?"
"They don't care"
"That's right."
"But what can I do about it?"
"Pencil sharpener"
"On the desk. There's a pencil sharpener. Take it apart. Use it until I say stop."

Felix hopped off his bed and walked to the desk. The voice was right. There was a hand held pencil sharpener right there.

He took the lid off and pulled the razor blades out with a pen.

"Roll up your sleeves Felix"

He did.

"Now cut"

He did. The pain he felt was not at all physical. He couldn't stop. Not until the voice said he could.


2 cuts





"You may stop when you reach fifteen"

Felix nodded and started again.


"This is for the group"


"They'd be happy knowing I'm doing this"


"Why am I such a failure?"


"All I do is hold them back"



Felix watched as blood trickled down the side of his arm onto the floor.

"You've never been more beautiful Felix"

"Who are you?"

"You can call me Mark hyung. I'm here to help you Felix"

"What do I do now?"

"Walk to the bathroom. Make sure no one sees you. Then just put your arm under the faucet of the sink and let the blood stop flowing"

Felix followed Mark's directions.


"Felix are you already asleep?" Jisung asked.

No reply.

"Okay then. Minho hyung told us you weren't feeling good. So, get well soon buddy. Night."

"He sounded like he cared Mark hyung"

"It's all a lie Lixie. I wouldn't lie to you, I'm your friend."


"I am the only one who cares about you Felix."

"I believe you. Goodnight Markie."

"Goodnight Lix"

Anorexia - ChangLixWhere stories live. Discover now