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(I am so sorry for this)

Weeks had passed and every day Felix went a little more insane.

He began to cut himself five times a day. His suicidal thoughts increasing. He never ate, making it hard to get around on the daily. He had passed out several times. Fans started to get concerned. The only thing that kept him sane was Mark.

But that wouldn't last long.


"Felix. It's time sweetie"

"Markie I'm not ready"

"But Felix, I'm waiting for you. I'm ready to meet you now"

"I'm coming hyung"

Felix took the bottle of weight loss pills and downed them all without water.

Minutes later he began to feel slightly dizzy. He smiled and took out the hand written letters for when his time came.



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No. Reply.

All the members rushed into the boy's room and found him there.

Pale. Still.

Yet in Changbin's eyes, beautiful.

They all ran to the boy shaking him to get him up. Chan checked for a pulse and Woojin checked for any sign of breathing.

"G-guys" Jisung called, gaining the other's attention.

He held up a large bottle that was completely empty, a single tear falling down his puffy cheeks.

Changbin dropped to the floor. The love of his life was laying there; cold and dead. The boy cried. He wasn't sad. He just felt empty. Like a piece of him died with the younger. He was numb

"Th-there's letters."

"THE AMBULANCE IS ON THEIR WAY" Seungmin rushed into the room clutching his phone in his hand tightly.

"Innie, did you say.....letters?"

The youngest nodded as he pointed towards the desk.


The doctors had been trying to wake Felix up for the past two hours or so.

Chan paced around the hallway and Changbin just sat there, crying, silently.

Hyunjin had one arm around the shaking, crying Changbin

The younger smiled softly as he squeezed his hyung's shoulder.

The doctor walked out not long after with a sour expression.

"Can I speak with the oldest here please."

Woojin quickly stood up and followed the doctor to a private room.

"You see" the doctor started "the boy couldn't make it. He was very malnourished and dehydrated. It was estimated a couple hours before arrival he took more than 16 pills of some sort, which caused his liver to shut down on him. I'm truly sorry"

Tears rolled down Woojin's cheeks as he smiled. "You don't have a name tag, can I know your name so I can thank you properly?"

"I'm Dr. Mark Lee"

"Thank you for trying doctor Lee."

They walked out of the room and signaled the boy's to leave.

They took it as he didn't make it.

Changbin let out a loud sob as he looked into the window to see the love of his life still laying there.

"You may say your final goodbyes if you wish" Dr. Lee said.

The whole group turned towards Changbin and nodded.


"Felix.......why? I t-told your d-d-dense ass you would be f-ine. WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN?! HOW COULD YOU?! YOU PROMISED WE'D STAND BY EACH OTHER AS NINE! NOT EIGHT FELIX! NINE! I LOVED YOU WHY COULDN'T YOU TELL?!?!" Changbin gasped for air. His burning lungs couldn't take it anymore.

"Fel-lix pl- *hiccup* ease wake up. Ju-just say it was a-a joke *hiccup*. Get *hiccup* up.
Ple-e-ease. Just wake *hiccup* up for me."

Hot tears continued to spill out of Changbin's eyes as he pleaded the male to wake up.

"I-I nev- *hiccup* never even g-got to k-k-iss you *hiccup* or hol-hold-d you in my-y a-arms and call y-ou mi-mine *hiccup*. I l-love you-ou so m-much L-Lixie-ie."

The male continued to sob as he placed a gentle kiss on the boy's forehead.

"Goodbye Felix"


Jeongin got one final look at Felix before they left.

His skin was grey-ish. His knuckles were bruised. His closed eyelids rested above dark eye bags. His once fluffy cheeks now slender and sharp. His hair color wasn't natural. His shoulders and collarbone were prominent, almost seemingly ripping the cloth he was adorned in. You could see his ribs through his clothes. His arms lined with scars and newly opened cuts.

Felix died so young. So skinny. Oh, so skinny.

And Jeongin wanted to be just like him

"Hello Jeongin, I'm Mark. Let's get you better, shall we?"

This was super short and it pained me to write but here we are.

I'll write the notes ^~^ if you don't want to be hurt more, please don't read them cuz imma be cRyINg while writing them.

Here's a meme to help you feel a bit better beauties.

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