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Felix awoke to screaming. Not so pleasant but hey, it woke him up.

Felix got out of bed and a wave of dizziness crashed over him.

"Mark hyung what's happening"

"It just means your succeeding Felix. There will be pain and suffering but in the end you'll achieve your goal."

The voice paused as the dizziness perished into nothing.

"Scale. Go check your progress"

"Okay hyung"

Felix stumbles his way into the bathroom and pulled out the scale.

He stripped and gently stepped on the cold glass scale.

130 lbs

A tear rolled down Felix's cheek.

"Look at your progress Felix"

"I'm still fat."

"The pills."


"You never took the pills you bought. And you could go to the gym. I'm helping you Felix."

"I know Mark. I'll take two pills and then head out to the gym. I'll run on the treadmill for three hours and then take a small sip of water. Then another five hours of running"

"I'm very proud of you. Look how far you've come"

Felix smiled gently. Look how far.


"Where are you going Felix?" Woojin asked before the boy walked out of the dorm.

"I'm just going to the gym. I'll be back in a few hours."

"Mind if I tag along?" Chan said as he walked out with of his room with his gym bag.

"Markie, should I let him?"

"Let him see your progress sweetie"

"Sure. Let's go"

Time skip brought to you by Mr. Aizawa in his sleeping bag cuz it's cute.

Five hours. Felix has been running for five hours straight. No breaks. No water. No food. Barely any oxygen.

"Felix we should head home now. It's getting dark." Chan said as he looked the boy up and down.

"I'm good hyung! You can go ahead without me!"

Chan frowned. The younger wasn't well.

"Felix. We really need to-"

"It's okay hyung. You go on ahead. I'll stay here a little longer."

"Okay. If you say so. But please eat something when you get home. You're getting really thin bub."

Felix smiled.

"Did you hear that Mark hyung?! He thinks I'm getting thinner!"

"I need a thank you and a signed award please" The voice joked.

"Thanks Markie hyung!"

"I'll eat Channie. Don't worry about me. I'm good!"

If only Felix had stopped and drank some water

Anorexia - ChangLixWhere stories live. Discover now