Nine Hours Alone

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I watch as Luke walks out of the door. "Luke!" I say barley above a wishper. Our first fight and there's no make up sex. My dad comes in the room and ask if I'm ok? "No daddy."I cry. He comes and hold me. "What was the fight about?"my daddy ask. "I said I wanted to be alone with our son for a little while. Luke took it wrong." I say crying into his shoulder."It'll all be ok baby girl.He's just hurting. He loves that child as much as you do." he says. "I know but I can't sleep at night without him. He need him. His arms make me feel safe and...." I stumble over my words. "And make you feel like it's just the two of you?"he finishes. "Yeah." I say. "Matt! Matt" my mom yells. "In Carol's room?" my dad yells. My mum walks in and sits on my dad's lap. "What's wrong. Are you two having a heart to heart?" she ask. "Luke left for the night." I say. "Aww your first fight. Baby he'll be back he may sneek in here and hold you late at night." My mum says. " I can't sleep with out him."I say. "When Sean took us the first year I hardly slept at night. I cried myself to sleep at night" my mum says "Even before I had you, if your dad wasn't holding me then I couldn't sleep." I smile and my dad says"She came to school one day looking like the walking dead. We had broke up for a week and it was horrible." my mum laughs and says"For you no. Me that's a different story. It was worst the horrible." my mum says. They both laugh and I see them being together in school and as a couple in general. My mum gives my dad a kiss is and the fall back on my bed. "Carol leave I want to..." "AYEEEE"I yell. I leave and shut the door. I go to the kitchen and make dinner and feed the twins and myself. After I put them to bed. I go clean up the kitchen. My son kicks and I nearly cry. My parents finlly come out of my room when I put up the last of the food. " Your plates are in the oven and you two can sleep in my room tonight?"I say before going to watch Netflix. I take the bucket of strawberry cheesecake ice cream and eat it as I watch DDD(Drop Dead Diva). After I caught up on that I watch Breakfast at Tiffiny's. Around 1 in the morning my mum comes and holds me. "You should try to get some sleep. It's not good for Travis." she says. "No Travis will not be my son's name." I say. She laughs and says "Try and get some sleep baby. He'll be back soon." I nod and she kisses my head and goes back to her room. I sigh and get up off the couch. I go to the frig and get some pickels and pb. I go back to the couch and lay down with it. I watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollow part one and two. By the time it's over I'm almost asleep. "Carebear are you ok?" Dan ask me. "Yeah" I say. "Then why are you sleeping on the couch?" Dan ask. "Because Danny I've been up all night." I say. Just then the door opens and Luke walks in. I eat some pb pickle and give him a weak smile. "Danny get ready for breakfast and wake up May if she's not up." I say to him. He nods and goes to May's room. Luke comes and sit next to me. "Hey baby?" Luke says. " Hey"I say and eat more pb pickle."I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean for you to be stressed all night" Luke says. "I need you and you left. I can't sleep without your arms around me." I say and eat some more. He takes my jar of pickles and pb up. He helps me off the couch. He walks me towards our room. "My parents are in there" I say. He goes to the guest room by mine and lays me down. He clurs up behind me and wraps his arms around me. I sigh and he kiss my neck and says "I love you baby. I can tell you had a rough night but I'm here now. You can sleep now. Sleep baby sleep." I turn around in his arms and kiss him. "Don't leave me at night again unless you need to. I need you baby. " I say and fall asleep in his arms.
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