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I open the door and Luke's family walks in. Wendy gives me a hug and my son kicks. We still haven't choosen a baby name but were talking about it. "Awww he kicked!" Wendy says and helps me to the couch. My dad comes out talking to Luke and I hear Luke say something and then him yell "shit "and things falling. "Luke are you ok?" I yell."Yeah I'm fine" he yells back. I nod and lean against the pillows and say "Is Ashia and your other two coming?" I ask her. "Ashia and Luna are with there husband's side this Christmas and Hank is on his way." Wendy says. "Ok I can't wait to meet them." I say. The door bell rings and my mum answers the door."Mama daddy!" she yells and I hear the tears in her voice. "Carcar is Zeus kicking?" May ask. "He kicked but he'll most likly kick again soon" I say to May. My mom and grandparents walk in wiping their eyes. "Mom dad I want you to meet my twins" I hear my mom say. " Danny!" I yell. "What Carcar?" he yells. "Pickles" I say. He runs down stairs and says "Really I can have one?!" I laugh and say "Mom wants you." He narrow his eyes at me and goes to our mom. May walks over to her and mom inrtoduce them to their grandparents. " Where's Carol?"my grandpa says. "On the couch" my mom says. As my grandparents make there way to me Luke sits next to me. He gives me a kiss and says "I bought you Dots" I smile and give him a long lingering kiss. "Carol" my mom says. I pull away and look at her."Yes" I say. "This is grandpa Paul and grandma Eve. Mom,dad Carol and her husband Luke." Luke stands up and helps me up. He places a hand on my stomach as I strighten my back. Luke moves and wraps an arm me. "My God Carol. Last time we saw you you were still in dipars now you're having your own child. "my grandma says. I smile and say "I can't wait to push out your great grandson. I'll be right back." I head to the bathroom and use it. After I'm done I wash my hands and go back to see my grandparents. I hear Luke laugh and smile. I walk back to my seat on the couch and sit down. "How far along are you?"my grandma ask me. "I'll be seven months a few days before my birthday." I say smiling. "How did you two meet?" she ask me. "Do you really want to know?" I ask. " Yes dear. I would love to know " my grandma says taking my hand. " At a club. It was my first time clubing and I make the man of my dreams." I say looking at Luke. "What does he do for a living?" she ask. "He's a teacher and his family owns Louis security and protection." I say. "Baby do want a snack?"Luke ask. "Like what?" I ask. " Dots,pickles and pb,a ham sandwitch?" Luke says. "The first two. Wait do we have like really cheesey cheese puffs?"I ask. "No you ate those last night." Luke says. "No I didn't we had some more."I say. "I looked this morning there was none." Luke says. "Danny" I say. "Poptarts?" Luke ask cautionly. "Get Danny!" I say. "Run Danny Run!!" Luke says. " Luke!"I say. "I'll buy you some more." Luke says. "When? The store down the street is close and they're the only one who have fresh ones. You know what just leave me alone." I say "You don't want me to do that" Luke says. "Ummm yes I do. Leave me alone Luke."I say getting up. "Carol Hannah Louis"Luke says. I flip him off and go to the kitchen. I get my some grapes and strawberries. "Moma where are the blueberries?" I ask. " I make you a smoothie already baby. It's in the freezer next to your Dots"she says. I get my Dots and smoothie out and eat them. I check on the ham in the oven and add some pineapple juice to it. I finish of my smoothie and my Dots. My son kicks and I smile. "May!"I yell. "Is he kicking?" May ask. "Yeah"I say and she runs to me. She places her hands on my stomach and waits for the next kick. After a few minutes he kicks again. "Is it weird feeling him move?" May ask. "A little but I'm use to it." I say and hug her. I give her a kiss on the head and go lay down.


Justice and Dave are playing and Luke and I are watching them. Luke kisses me and says " I can't wait for our little girl to come."I smile and kiss him again. I wake up and walk into the bathroom and pee. I wash my hands and go to the living room. I see the family in the dinning room. I walk in and they smile at me. "Have a good nap?"Luke ask. I nod and say "yeah it was good." My mom stands and goes to the kitchen. "Here you go." she says when she comes back and hands me a plate. I sit across from Luke and next to my grandpa. I pray over my food and start to eat. We talk laugh and have a normal Christmas. There's a knock on the door and I open it and the last person I expect is standing there. "Hello Carol" Sean Airson says with an evil smile. This can't be good.


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