Chapter Six: Past Life

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I walked out of my room. I noticed Kokichi's door opening and closing. He probably wants to rest, or there's something he needs to do in his room. I should probably go check on Kaede and Shuichi and see what they are doing. No doubt they are going to try and come up with a plan of some sort. Considering this, they are probably in the library. Since I'm pretty sure that's the only hidden door that they know about.

With this thought in my head, I began to head to the library. I passed a couple of my classmates, if you will, they all looked pretty stressed out. Which is understandable given the situation. Soon after heading to the basement, I made it to the library. When I arrived, I saw Kaede messing around with the books and Shuichi looking around.

"Did you guys come up with some sort of plan to use this against the mastermind?" I asked. Kaede turned to me in surprise, but smiled at me.

"We're going to set up cameras so when if anyone comes in here and opens the door, we'll get pictures of them. We're also going to set up an alarm so we know if it opens." Kaede explained her idea. I hummed. This shouldn't get in the way of what me Kokichi and Rantaro are planning, so it should be fine.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea! So I'm guessing you guys think the rumored Monokuma-making machine is behind that door?" I asked. Shuichi nodded.

"Yeah, the dust wasn't here in the morning, so this must be it. Once we catch whoever is working with Monokuma, when can all go home." Shuichi continued where Kaede left off.

"And I'm assuming everyone, including myself, is a suspect?" I asked. Shuichi jolted in surprise and Kaede turned to me in a panic.

"Of course you're not a suspect. After all you knew about the dust and it wasn't there in the morning." Kaede rushed out.

"And that's exactly what makes me a suspect. I could have done that on purpose so you guys wouldn't think I was the mole. Which I'm sure Shuichi's already thought of. Which is why you are so cool with telling me this, it's a warning. That if I was the mole, you guys would catch me." I retorted. Shuichi and Kaede were silent after I said that. I just shrugged.

"Well, no worries, if you guys need me by night time on the second day, I'll be in the girls bathroom reading a book." I spoke up. I walked up to the book shelf an grabbed a book of poems. Shuichi looked at me in confusion, along with Kaede.

"Why?" Kaede asked.

"As the Ultimate Dreamer, everyone always assumes all go out in an anti-climactic way. Like dying in my sleep. But if I'm going out a anti-climactic way, I don't want it to be through sleeping. So it might as well be the bathroom." I replied.

"I promise you won't die (F/n)." Kaede stated firmly. I merely grinned at her.

"Well, who knows, books tend to soothe me too sleep, so maybe I will fall alseep in the bathroom." I spoke up.

"I promise you won't--"

"I know Kaede, but only time can tell. Anyways if you need me, I'm going to go talk to Kaito. Or perhaps Miu, I can't really tell if she's up to anything shady." I finalized. I left the library. Thinking they could stop the mastermind like that is certainly hopeful. If the mastermind can get to the machine, it's game over. Even if we figure out who they are. Though if any girl spends a strangely large amount of time in the bathroom, I know why. If the mastermind is watching, hopefully they'll take that as a warning and back off. Then again, they might be so confident they won't even check the footage. Well she, not they.

I headed to the dining hall where I found Kaito. I waved at him and he waved back at me.

"Whats that you got there?" Kaito asked. I held up the book.

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