Chapter Thirteen: Slot Machine

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I laughed lightly the moment Kokichi left my research lab. My cheeks flushed slightly. I shook my head, getting my head clear of those thoughts as I walked up to the silver box from before.

I put the key in my pajama shorts and I took the note with me. People are probably going to wonder why I got a key and they didn't. Not to mention it'll give us more evidence of what's going on once we can finally accuse Monokuma of it. With a sigh, I left my research lab. Kokichi was no where in sight, so he must have rushed off somewhere.

I decided to explode the new area. I guess that's what those prizes did. Though I was in such a frenzy, I hadn't really payed any attention.


So I was the only one with my Research lab now open. There was Maki's, Himiko's, Kirumi, Ryoma, and Gonta's. Maki wouldn't let anyone in to her research lab. Which I'm assuming is because she doesn't have the Ultimate talent she says she does. Not surprising since she doesn't seem the type to take care of kids.

Though her keeping her research lab off limits is concerning. What the heck is even in there? Aside from that, Gonta's seems pretty interesting. At least I know where all the bugs in this place area, I wonder if I can mess with Kokichi?

Kokichi has a Entomophobia or Acarophobia. Which ever you prefer to call it. It's a phobia of bugs. He's likely it isn't listed under the things he dislikes on the Monopad. Something tells me it wouldn't end all that well if Gonta found out.

Putting aside the research labs, a pool was also opened up. It was so deep and there was barely any water in it. The whole things was just stupid. And I didn't really understand it for that matter. Ryoma's lab looks out onto the pool, it's a little weird that Monokuma would decide to put a mirror there of all places.

I also found a opening hatch in one of the steps in the gym. It looked like some sort of set up. Most likely for a magic trick. The set ups in this school just make me feel like they're for murder purposes. After all, I'm positive the murders a planned out. Without a doubt. So it's concerning.

Anyways, I passed a couple people, and the all told me about this flashback-light. Such a thing didn't exist, but it turns out they all decided to use it the next morning during breakfast. So whatever.

Currently I was heading to the dormitories so I could think about everything. I just need a little bit to absorb everything that's happened. I also need to remember to tell Kokichi about Tsumugi. I'm still upset at him, but something tells me I'm more willing then Rantaro at the moment. Which is kinda funny in all honesty.

"Hey, (N/n)-chan!" I heard a voice call. I turned around too see Kokichi. I gave him a weary smile. He seemed excited about something. I wonder what's making him so happy?

"Yeah, Kokichi?" I asked. Kokichi hummed for a moment. Stopping right in front of me.

"Give me a nickname!" He suddenly decided. My eyes widened.

"What, why?" I asked. Kokichi rolled his eyes at me and smirked.

"Isn't it obvious? Geez, you're a little bit slow on the uptake, (N/n)-chan. It's so there's something special for the two of us. I gave you one, so you should give me one." Kokichi stated. Ignoring his first words, and his words all together, I asked a different question.

"There's no way you came over just to talk about that, so what do you want?" I questioned. Kokichi pouted and I think I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes. But in the end he grinned at me.

"You caught me. A cosino opened up, so I wanted to take you there and maybe we could play a few games! Other people will be there, so no need to feel intimidated! I promise to go easy on you." Kokichi patted my head in a joking manner. I rolled my eyes at him.

Kokichi X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora