Chapter Ten: An Explanation

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I awoke to a loud knocking on my door. Tiredly I got up to see Kokichi in front of me. He laughed at seeing my disheveled hair and clothes. He raised a brow at me, in an amused manner.

"Did you just wake up, (N/n)-chan? Because it certainly looks that way." Kokichi snickered. I rolled my eyes and him and grumbled under my breath.

"Yes, I just woke up. If you wouldn't mind, I'm going to go and get ready." I replied. I then closed the door and got a new pair of clothes. I then did my usual morning routine of getting ready. Once I was done, I met Kokichi out in the hallway once more. Making sure to close the door behind me. I tiredly yawned, then a realization of everything that happened yesterday suddenly hit me.

"So, what exactly happened between you and Kaede yesterday? You didn't seem like you wanted to be anywhere near her." I asked. Kokichi's expression soured in an instant. I almost regret asking. Almost. I need to know what happened so I can decide for myself either or not I should trust her. Or Shuichi.

"Well, turns out her master plan was to try and kill the mastermind. She rigged one of the cameras in the library to flash so it would draw the attention of anyone who was in there over. Then she rolled a shot-put ball down the ramp of books she organized so it would hit the person. There's a good chance it would have hit and killed Rantaro if I hadn't been there. I had to push him out of the way, the thing still nearly hit the two of us. At the very least if it did, it wouldn't have hit our heads." As Kokichi ranted, we left the dormitories behind.

I could understand why he would be upset. Kaede kept telling everyone not to kill anyone, but then she tried to do it herself. Then again, I can also see where Kaedevus coming from. She probably thought if she could get rid of the mastermind, no one else would have to die. But she doesn't know about the other entrance. Speaking of which, around the time I was watching it and up to when the timer ran out, Tsumugi was the only one who uses the restroom. Then there's also the fact that I remember seeing her door close the night that I went to check if there was a secret door in the girls bathroom.

Me and Kokichi soon made it to the dining hall and we took a seat. It seems we were the last to arrive, most likely because of how I usually need to be wakened up in the morning.

"Okay, we waited for you to tell us in the morning. So you better start talking!" Kaito yelled. Rantaro simply scammed the room with calmed eyes.

"I have my memories." Rantaro stated. Kaede gave him a confused expression. But Shuichi was the one to talk.

"I though you said you didn't remember your Ultimate talent?" Shuichi brought up. Rantaro nodded.

"I lied, I was observing the situation. My Ultimate talent, if you wish to call me by one, is the Ultimate Survivor. Before any of you ask, I won't be sharing all of what I remember." Rantaro layed down the ground rules. It was clear with the next millisecond that people didn't like it.

"Why not, you degenerate male?! Are you planning on keeping us in the dark so you can take advantage of everyone else?" Tenko acused. Rantaro shook his head.

"I can't reveal what I remember. Keep in mind, everyone else's memories is in the hand of Monokuma. Since we are all alive, he could do what he did to us before and everything will start all over again." Rantaro pointed out.

"If that we're truly the case, why hasn't he done anything yet? He must know you have your memories based on how he reacted to your words yesterday." Korekiyo countered.

"Monokuma wants to keep thing interesting. It isn't interesting if someone were to reveal what's going on. But it is if you know someone knows a little about what's going on, but you don't know how much they know." Rantaro explained.

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